Événements novant health Matthews, NC
mHealthUX™| Intro to Gamifying Digital Health
mercredi prochain à 19:00 + 121 plus
Mindshop Online Classroom
mHealthUX™| Intro to Gamifying Digital Health
mercredi prochain à 19:00 + 121 plus
Mindshop Online Classroom
AmeriHealth Caritas Health Plan Orientation, Lunch and Food Pantry
mar. 8 avr., 12:00 + 4 plus
AmeriHealth Caritas NC Wellness and Opportunity Center, 3120 Wilkinson Boulevard, Charlotte, NC, USA
AmeriHealth Caritas Health Plan Orientation, Lunch and Food Pantry
mar. 8 avr., 12:00 + 4 plus
AmeriHealth Caritas NC Wellness and Opportunity Center, 3120 Wilkinson Boulevard, Charlotte, NC, USA
Heart Health: The Beat You Can’t Ignore
mar. 11 mars, 18:00
Limitless Chiropractic - Chiropractor in Charlotte
Heart Health: The Beat You Can’t Ignore
mar. 11 mars, 18:00
Limitless Chiropractic - Chiropractor in Charlotte
B.L.A.C.K. Church Bus Tour: Black Lives Advocating for Clot Knowledge
sam. 1 mars, 10:00
Kingdom Harvest Bibleway Church
B.L.A.C.K. Church Bus Tour: Black Lives Advocating for Clot Knowledge
sam. 1 mars, 10:00
Kingdom Harvest Bibleway Church
Empower Your Health: Let's Talk about Endometriosis!
sam. 15 mars, 11:00
AmeriHealth Caritas NC Wellness and Opportunity Center
Empower Your Health: Let's Talk about Endometriosis!
sam. 15 mars, 11:00
AmeriHealth Caritas NC Wellness and Opportunity Center
Mental Health & Self-Care Workshop for Healthcare Science Students
ven. 11 avr., 10:00
ECPI University
Mental Health & Self-Care Workshop for Healthcare Science Students
ven. 11 avr., 10:00
ECPI University
Harmony Health's Grateful and Grounding Sip & Paint
sam. 29 mars, 18:00
Harmony Health Conference Room
Harmony Health's Grateful and Grounding Sip & Paint
sam. 29 mars, 18:00
Harmony Health Conference Room
Empower Your Health: Menopause 2.0- Expert Panel Discussion
sam. 12 avr., 11:00
Matthews Community Center
Empower Your Health: Menopause 2.0- Expert Panel Discussion
sam. 12 avr., 11:00
Matthews Community Center