10 Steps to Retire Without Debt

10 Steps to Retire Without Debt

Participants will learn about debt elimination options so that they can enter their golden years without the shackles of debt.

Date and time

Tue, Oct 22, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

The Credit Counselling Society presents:

10 Steps to Retire Without Debt

Is Freedom 55 still a realistic goal? Perhaps Freedom 65 or 70 is more realistic. The number of Canadians who are retiring with debt has increased to 33% (Statistics Canada). In 2000, only 8% of retirees still had a mortgage; it is now 64%. There are many reasons for this significant increase in debt amongst retirees but the consequences remain the same – a fixed income needs to service living expenses along with debts.

There is another alternative and that is to retire without debt. In the 10 Steps to Retire Without Debt workshop/webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Identify the reasons why more Canadians are retiring with debt;
  • Describe why retiring with debt is so challenging;
  • Identify the sources of income you will have in retirement (e.g. employment, Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), pensions, and/or retirement savings;
  • Create a 10-step plan to retire without debt which will include:
  • Conducting a thorough analysis of your finances (income, assets, liabilities, debts, and expenses);
  • Triaging your finances by halting the use of credit, creating savings, and paying off debts;
  • Making changes for your future which could include reducing expenses, increasing income, and/or downsizing;
  • Learning to say “no” to situations that may be impacting your ability to retire;
  • Talking to a professional to create a realistic plan; and
  • Take action with your plan and celebrate your success!
  • Identify signs that you may need more help with your finances.

All participants will walk away with ideas, resources, and the full curriculum upon request.

Organized by

Credit Counselling Society - Who We Are

The Credit Counselling Society (CCS) is a non-profit organization that was established in 1996 to help people find solutions to their debt problems and learn to manage their money and credit better. We serve Canadians in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario in person, over the phone and online. We have offices in each province and are available to the public 6 days a week. Our credit counselling services are free and confidential to use.

CCS’s mission is “We Help, We Educate, We Give Hope” and our services are available to anyone who would like our assistance regardless of income level, gender, age, race, or socio-economic status. Our mandate is to educate Canadians in personal money management and the wise use of credit, and to help individuals and families find solutions to their financial challenges through objective counselling and debt repayment solutions.

More than Credit Counselling for Consumers! CCS Provides Professional Development Opportunities to Social Service Providers

90 minute Professional Development webinars are offered on Eventbrite and can be taken as a stand alone webinar or combined toward our Certificate in Financial Wellness for Social Service Providers program (see below). All financial literacy webinars are related to helping you as a service provider in supporting clients with their financial wellness. The certificate program has four levels, each building on the financial foundations learned in previous levels.

CCS Certificate in Financial Wellness for Social Service Providers - Levels 1 - 4:

  • Certificate in Financial Wellness for Social Service Providers – Level 1: Supporting Clients in Financial Crisis
  • Certificate in Financial Wellness for Social Service Providers – Level 2: Foundations in Personal Finance for Service Providers
  • Certificate in Financial Wellness for Social Service Providers – Level 3: Mind Your Money
  • Certificate in Financial Wellness for Social Service Providers – Level 4: Creating Your Future

For more information contact: Education@nomoredebts.org