13th Annual Donald Wasylenki Education Day 2024
In - Person
Date and time
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute
209 Victoria St, Toronto ON M5B 1T8 Toronto, ON M5G 1R1 CanadaAbout this event
Donald Wasylenki Education Day encourages faculty and trainees to develop their knowledge and skills in teaching and education. This event will provide a forum for faculty and trainees to present their innovations, research, and works-in-progress. There will be a poster session that showcases education scholarship in the Department.
We are thrilled to have Dr. Stephanie Nixon give our plenary Major General John Taylor Fotheringham Memorial Lecture on Turning toward collective liberation: (re-)imagining EDI in medical education.
Stephanie Nixon, PhD, is Vice-Dean (Faculty of Health Sciences) and Director (School of Rehabilitation Therapy) at Queen’s University. Prior to joining Queen’s in 2022, Stephanie was a professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto for 15 years. She completed her PhD in Public Health and Bioethics in 2006 at the University of Toronto, and a post-doc at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa in 2007. Stephanie was director of the International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation from 2012-2021. Stephanie is a straight, white, middle class, able-bodied, cisgender, settler woman who tries to understand the pervasive effects of privilege. She explores how systems of oppression shape health care, research and education, and the role of people in positions of unearned advantage in disrupting these harmful patterns. Stephanie developed the Coin Model of Privilege and Critical Allyship as a way to translate core ideas about anti-oppression to people in positions of unearned advantage.
Given the increasing attention on fostering equitable, diverse, and inclusive teaching and learning environments, we would like to invite you to submit your questions for Dr. Stephanie Nixon in advance of our upcoming DWED on February 8th.
Please note: Space is limited due to capacity at the venue. We will not be able to accomodate walk-ins or anyone who has not registered.
Please address any questions to facdevcppd.psych@utoronto.ca.
All members of the Department including trainees and staff are encouraged to attend and registration is FREE.
- Royal College Maintenance of Certification Section 1: 4.0 hours