A 3-Step Plan: Solve Dysfunction in Your Organization

A 3-Step Plan: Solve Dysfunction in Your Organization

Let's tackle workplace issues: toxicity, negativity, high turnover, absences, unfocused staff, & poor team chemistry. Transform with us!

Select date and time

Friday, October 11 · 2 - 3pm PDT


Virtual Via Zoom

Victorville Victorville, CA

About this event

We rarely notice the problem before it’s a problem.

The rising stressors of the world, home life, and personal dynamics, individual struggles accumulate so gradually…

Then, one day, we look at our work culture and realize we're constantly struggling with:

  • A toxic workplace full of negativity, rumors, and bullying

  • High turnover rates, staff continually calling in sick, or no-shows

  • Scattered and unfocused personnel that accomplish nothing

  • Poor team chemistry with constant bickering or petty fighting

By the time management has run around to put out one fire, another three have sprung up. And not a single staff member is eager to help.

Finally, we think to ourselves: “This isn’t right. This isn’t what we were founded on.”

So, how did we stray so far from our core beliefs and values without our awareness?

Because we’ve been conditioned to manage our Indigenous Organizations with the incorrect perspective.

When your workforce is happy → Your clients will be happy

And when your clients are happy → Your funders will be happy

Everything begins within the individual, and if this critical first step is overlooked, functionality will NEVER be achieved.

The problem is we have been taking a very Western approach to an indigenous issue.

Leading to our focus becoming skewed, disjointed, and disconnected from who we are.

So how do we quickly regain ourselves and return both our lives and our organizations to stability, peace, and success?

The key is to follow a uniquely designed 3-step process that harmoniously intertwines modern concepts or ideas with the First Nations perspective.

This workshop will introduce you to that 3-step process.

Meet Dallas Pootlass

I am a proud member of the Nuxalk Nation from British Columbia's central coast, and have been a dedicated coach for our people since 2016. But, of course, my story isn’t without its struggles.

Before getting my MBA in change management, I spent 20 years in the healthcare industry, where I gained a deep understanding of how intertwined personal health and professional success really are.

I was a volunteer coach from 2016 and in October of 2020, I decided to take my coaching to the next level, and opened my own practice, focusing on strategic intervention for indigenous organizations.

To this day…I’ve helped support over 1000 individuals across more than 27 organizations in Canada and Mexico find their stability and focus using the exact same 3-step process I want to share with you today. You and your organization can experience empowerment and begin on a journey to fulfillment like never before.

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