A Decade of Migrant Care Worker Programs: Report Launch
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A Decade of Migrant Care Worker Programs: Report Launch

We want to share our findings and hear from you, your reflection on the report, and your recommendations for the future.

Date and time

Wed, Oct 23, 2024 8:45 AM - 1:00 PM PDT


Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Room 420

580 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1L6 Canada


8:45 AM - 9:40 AM

Arrival, breakfast and welcome

9:40 AM - 10:30 AM

Presentation on history of care work and report on migrant care work programs

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Panel discussion on the report findings, reflections and recommendations

11:30 AM - 11:40 AM

A talk given by a care worker reflecting on their work and activism

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM

Participant discussion on next steps for migrant organizing and advocacy

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours 15 minutes

We are thrilled to invite you to the launch of the Migrant Care Worker Precarity Project (MCWP) report at our event titled "A Decade of Migrant Care Worker Programs: Addressing Racism and Precarity in Canada ", on October 23rd held in a hybrid format in Room 420 of the Wosk Centre for Dialogue and on Zoom.

The report is the conclusion of our research on the experiences of care workers on the implementation of the Home Child Care Provider and Home Support Worker Pilots by the IRCC and the Canadian government.

We want to share our findings and hear from you, your reflection on the report, and your recommendations on the future of care worker programs.

This event aims to bring together allied organizations, unions, and public bodies to generate conversation on the old and upcoming migrant care worker pilot and address the structural violence faced by care workers.


Closed captioning in English will be available through the online event.

Technology requirements

Online attendees will need a computer (laptop or desktop), tablet or smartphone, with speakers or headphones. A microphone and/or a webcam are recommended if you would like to fully participate in the interactive portions of this event.

We recommend that you use a computer for the best experience of this event. Some interactivity and accessibility features are not available when using a smartphone or tablet.

Protecting your privacy

This event will be recorded, but only the speakers will be visible in the published recording.

To ensure that we are using online event technology in a privacy-conscious way, we are following best practices for this online event series:

  • We will only circulate the event link to those who are registered for the event
  • We will password-protect the event
  • We will enable end-to-end encryption

To protect your own privacy:

  • We remind you that whatever you say during the event is public, so please do not share sensitive information about yourself or others, and do not say anything you do not wish to enter the public domain.

To protect the privacy of others:

  • Please do not record or photograph yourself, other participants, or the hosts during the event, unless permission is requested and given.

Community Guidelines

Our community guidelines are intended to ensure the safety of all guest speakers and event participants, and to foster honest, socially accountable dialogue at our events. Thank you for respecting our community guidelines!

  • Above all, there will be zero tolerance for those who promote violence or discrimination against others on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, or disability.
  • Anyone who incites harm towards other participants (whether through chat, video, audio or otherwise) will be removed at the discretion of our technical team and moderator.
  • Don’t assume pronouns/gender/knowledge based on someone’s name or appearance. Please refer to people using the usernames and/or pronouns they provide.
  • Recognize that we are all here to learn and approach the event with an open-mind and respect.

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