The Art of Handling Difficult Customer Conversations (1.5 Personal Skills RIBO Credits)
Having difficult conversations and dealing with difficult clients can be one of the most
challenging parts of your day. The reality is that you will never be able to please all your clients
all the time and you will never be able to eliminate all the difficulties at work. People are
"creatures of emotion" and there will be times you will have to deal with frustrated and
angry clients. There will be times when you have to deliver difficult information. However,
when you learn to handle these people and situations in a professional and positive manner,
you will increase your self-confidence, self-esteem and reduce stress.
Dealing with difficult clients and handling complaints is an art. But being the rock star that you
are, you can do it! This seminar will provide some practical tips and approaches that will help
you turn these negative situations into positive actions.
This session, will help you be able to:
• Describe ingredients to customer service success
• Identify tips and techniques to effectively handle difficult client conversations
• Develop strategies you can easily implement to shake off any negative vibes from the
client interaction and remain stress free