Join artist Thuy Han Nguyen-Chi for a talk about her exhibition, The blue of the sky depends on the darkness of empty space behind it.
Interweaving family lore, mythology, science fiction, and digital abstraction, Thuy-Han Nguyen-Chi’s 2022 film Into The Violet Belly follows the collaboration between the artist and her mother, Thuyen Hoa, who fled Vietnam after the end of the American War via a near-calamitous sea journey. Oscillating between voices, visual registers, and timescales—was it seven months or seven thousand years?— Into The Violet Belly offers up an image of its multiplicitous structure: a massive digital swarm, tiny avatars of migrating bodies, swimming in an infinite blue.
Images: Thuy-Han Nguyen-Chi, This undreamt of sail is watered by the white wind of the abyss, 2022, installation view, Hamburger Bahnhof. Courtesy: the artist; photograph: Jen Franke. Thuy-Han Nguyen-Chi, Into The Violet Belly, 2022. Video stills. Courtesy of the artist.
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