Join Ariadny Grant and Friends for a Night of Hymns as they sing the spiritual hymns from the classic hymn book "Melodies of Praise". There will be instrumentalists and vocalists coming together for a night of worship and praise through the singing of hymns. The evening will also capture in time the history of the hymns. We want this generation and generations to come to not leave out the hymns in their music and the rich words of life in these songs.
Appreciation will be given to our dear family member Kathy Grant-Mahon, an Ottawa native, for her life as an international gospel singer and currently battling multiple sclerorsis (MS). Part of the proceeds from this evening will go towards multiple sclerosis resarch to support those fighting this disease.
We invite you to join us for a night of song and praise and invite a friend so that they also can experience the hymns.
You won’t want to miss it as we Bring Back The Hymns!