The forum will begin and conclude with the opportunity to network and engage with data around local immigration & economic trends and community impact on immigrant experiences.
*Registration is required
*Doors open at 11:00am
Keynote Speaker
Pedro Antunes
Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada
Pedro Antunes is the thought leader and spokesperson for the Conference Board’s suite of economic forecast products, as well as other reports and economic indicators that relate to Canada and its regions. Mr. Antunes has provided expert testimony before parliamentary committees. He makes numerous presentations on economic topics and dialogues with Canadian leaders, the public and media about issues important to Canada.
Mr. Antunes joined the Conference Board in 1991 after working with the Canadian Forecasting Group at the Bank of Canada. In addition to his contribution to regular forecast products, Mr. Antunes led research on the impact of demographic change on the financial sustainability of public health care, productivity and other issues affecting the long-term economic growth for Canada and its provinces. He also worked on several international projects, helping decision-makers in Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan and Ukraine develop appropriate forecasting and policy analysis tools.
Pedro is fluent in both official languages. He is married with one son and enjoys hikes with his dog and playing soccer.
Mr. Antunes holds an M.A. (Economics) from Queen's University and a B.A. (Honours Economics) from Bishop's University.
Presentation Synopsis: Canadian Economy and Immigration Policy
This presentation by the Conference Board’s Chief Economist, Pedro Antunes, will examine the implications of Canada’s recent newly announced Immigration Levels Plan on Canada and the Chatham-Kent economy. As we aim to sustain population growth and economic resilience, this session will investigate the plan's immediate effects on labour markets, housing and inflation. Join us for a presentation and discussion that vies to set the record straight on how recent immigration targets have impacted Canada's economy and what challenges we face going forward.