Coming Home to Your Womb Wisdom

Coming Home to Your Womb Wisdom

Join us for an evening of tapping into your inner season of autumn and celebrating the discernment, inner wisdom, and wild being within.

Date and time

Sunday, October 20 · 4:30 - 7:30pm MDT


iava wellness

9343 50 Street Northwest #1 Edmonton, AB T6B 2L5 Canada

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours

Join us for a deep reclamation of healing & manifesting through honouring our cyclical waysand embodying our inner season of autumn!

The secret to healing and manifesting with your own unique energetic blueprint is knowingthe magic of each of your sacred seasons. Our inner autumn is the phase for us to come home to ourselves.

This is an inner season that often feels misunderstood or mismanaged because it can feeldifficult for some of us to release our inner summer. But this season awakens us to ourpower to be more fully present with ourselves so we can release the distractions, demandsand noise of the outside world.

This is the season where our shadow side awakens in order to support us in integratingwhere we may have neglected our needs, bypassed our emotions, ignored cues from ourbodies, so we can consciously recognize and integrate the messages.

The inner autumn challenges our sensitive egos because we come face to face with ourinner critic. The inner critic is feared but this is where our power lives. This is because oursenses are heightened during this time and we are increasingly sensitive to what is going on within. There is so much magic that lives within the untapped wisdom of the inner autumn!

This is why we are hosting our 3 hour healing circle and workshop, so we can offer a sacredspace for you to come home to yourself and the magic that lives within.

What to expect:

● Welcome Circle & Intention Setting

● Discussion on the Inner Season of Autumn and the Luteal Phase

● Abdominal Massage & Reiki

● Akashic Record Healing Journey

● Intuitive Movement & Soul Sister Dancing

● Closing Circle & Sacred Sharing

● A gift for everyone who attends

We are so excited to guide you through this magical and sacred healing experience.

Until then, much love,

Hannah & Kelsey

Please note: this event is for anyone with an energetic womb space - non-binary, queer,transgender, two-spirit folk, and those who do not bleed or who are in menopause, are all welcome.

Meet Your Guides

Hannah Stinson

Hannah is an Akashic Record Guide & Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Tarot Teacher & WombHealer who supports divine beings in finding the prosperity in their pain, so they canunderstand their soul’s purpose and change the world with their medicine. Hannah supportsher clients journeys through a variety of modalities, specifically the Akashic Records,Ancestral Healing, Ayurvedic Healing, Breathwork, Nervous System Rewiring, Reiki, Tarot,Therapeutic Art, Womb Healing, and Yoga. Hannah believes we all have the ability toembody our womb wisdom and reclaim our sacred cycles. Hannah has been on a deepspiritual healing journey since January 2019.

Kelsey Vinge

Kelsey is a Registered Massage Therapist and Usui Reiki Practitioner at iava wellness. She ispassionate about working somatically with the body through breath, movement, and touch.Kelsey cultivates a space for her clients where they feel safe, comfortable, and at home intheir bodies. Her journey with connecting to her womb wisdom began summer 2022. She ishonoured to share the techniques and practices that have aided her along the way

Frequently asked questions

What do I need to bring?

●Journal and pen ● Water bottle ● Mug for tea (tea will be provided) ● Wear comfortable clothing with easy access to your belly and womb space

What if I do not have my uterus, or reproductive organs, can I still attend?

Yes, you can still attend! We are honoring the energetic womb space so even if you do not have those organs anymore, you can still connect with the energy

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing practice that works with universal energy to support gentle healing through relaxation, clearing energy blocks, supporting meditation, and harmonizing our overall being.

What are the Akashic Records?

Records of our soul's timeline from this life, past lives, ancestrally, cosmically, and so forth. We can access infinite and endless knowledge and understanding about ourselves and our soul's purpose, how we can heal trauma and wounds at the root, connect deeper with our intuition, to name a few.

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