Dare to Lead™ Training Workshop

Dare to Lead™ Training Workshop

Created by Brené Brown, this training is designed to provide knowledge, skills, and tools for new and seasoned leaders.

Date and time

Wed, Oct 16, 2024 8:30 AM - Wed, Oct 30, 2024 5:00 PM MDT


JW Marriott Edmonton ICE District

10344 102 Street Northwest Edmonton, AB T5J 0K9 Canada

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 14 days 8 hours


Who the Event is For

Courageous Leadership is hosting Dare to Lead™ leadership training for individuals committed to being more courageous leaders at work or in their communities. This training is designed to provide new knowledge, skills, and tools for new leaders as well as seasoned, executive leaders.

About the Dare to Lead™ Program

Dare to Lead™ is an empirically based courage-building program based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, research professor and author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers. This 3-day training focuses on the four skill sets of courage identified through Brené’s research. These skill sets are 100% teachable, making daring leadership possible for all seeking to be brave and cultivate courageous cultures.


Virtual Wednesday October 16th 9 am to noon

In-Person Tuesday and Wednesday October 22nd and 23rd ``8:30am to 5pm

Virtual Wednesday November 6th 9 am to noon

In Person

8:30am Breakfast

9am to 5pm Workshop

Noon to 1pm lunch

What’s Included

Light breakfast, lunch, snacks, and coffee, tea, and water

Official Dare to Lead™ workbook

Follow-up 1-hour coaching phone call

Upon completing the training, you will receive a “Dare to Lead™ Trained” certificate and digital LinkedIn credential*

*This certificate will NOT allow you to facilitate the work as a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator.

If you are interested in becoming certified to deliver the Dare to Lead™ program to groups, organizations, or individuals, please see https://daretolead.brenebrown.com/train-to-become-a-dare-to-lead-facilitator/.

Program Features

24-hour curriculum designed by the Brené Brown Education and Research Group

In-person, co-creative facilitation

Videos of Brené made exclusively for the Dare to Lead™ program

Small group and pair work

Interactive and reflective exercises to practice the four skill sets of courage

Program Learning

Participates will learn:

What courageous leadership and cultures look like and what happens when courage is absent. Spoiler alert: Without courage, toxicity thrives.

What gets in the way of us showing up as our whole selves and being brave. Spoiler alert: It’s not fear.

The four skill sets of courage and how to immediately begin building them and putting them into practice. Spoiler alert: This includes having tough conversations.

Highlighted Focus Areas

Skill Set #1: Rumbling With Vulnerability

Define your call to courage as a leader

Understand the role of courage and vulnerability in daring leadership

Understand shame and empathy and their role in daring leadership

Recognize armor and articulate how it gets in the way of daring leadership

Understand the behaviors of armored versus daring leadership

Understand how to develop grounded confidence to replace your armor

Skill Set #2: Living Into Our Values

Learn how values operate in our lives and their role in integrity and daring leadership

Identify your core values and operationalize them into observable behaviors

Learn the daring skills that support you in tough conversations

Skill Set #3: Braving Trust

Understand how trust is built and its role in connection and psychological safety

Learn the seven elements of trust and identify observable behaviors for these elements

Skill Set #4: Learning To Rise

Learn the critical role curiosity and emotional literacy play in developing rising skills

Recognize common strategies for offloading emotions and learn more effective behaviors for managing them

Understand how our brain is wired for stories and how the stories we create affect our behavior and ability to effectively lead and interact with others

Learn how to rumble with our stories

Recommended Prework

Read Dare to Lead

Watch Brené’s TED talks: The Power of Vulnerability and Listening to Shame

Watch Brené’s Netflix Special: A Call to Courage

Take the Daring Leadership Assessment: https://daretolead.brenebrown.com/assessment/


Sign in and a light breakfast will be served at 8:30 am on both days of the training.

Please dress for comfort. (Jeans are acceptable.)

Cancellation and Refund Policy

You can transfer your paid registration to another participant if you notify the organizer (kim@courageousleadership.ca) within 7 days of the training date.

If you cancel your registration by September 15, 2024, you will be given a full refund of your registration price minus a $300 cancellation charge.

If you cancel your registration after September 15, 2024, you will be refunded half of your registration price.

Organized by

Early bird discount
From $1,999