DSAO 2023 Conference "Down Right Amazing"

DSAO 2023 Conference "Down Right Amazing"

Come join us for the 2023 Down Syndrome Association of Ontario Conference "Down Right Amazing"

By Down Syndrome Association of Ontario (DSAO)

Date and time

Fri, Oct 13, 2023 4:00 PM - Sat, Oct 14, 2023 9:30 PM EDT


Great Wolf Lodge Water Park Resort

3950 Victoria Avenue Niagara Falls, ON L2E 7M8 Canada

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

This year's annual conference is jam packed with events for all ages!

Registration for Friday and Saturday at a cost of $150 includes a conference t-shirt, buffet lunch on Saturday and breakfast Sunday morning, as well as access to many sessions both Friday night and Saturday.

Rooms and conference space is limited so register and book early! Participants who wish to book rooms at the discounted rate must register for the conference first in order to receive the discount code for the discounted room rate.

Once you register you will be asked to provide a t-shirt size for your free conference t-shirt, register for some of the sessions offered and choose a preferred date for the parent engagement session (Friday or Saturday evening). We will make every effort to place you in your preferred session. Please only choose one session for the Music Therapy workshop, the Financial Literacy workshop and one Parent Networking session per conference registration.

Please note there will be a limited number of conference t-shirts available on site, but you do have the option to purchase additional shirts with your registration. Best to buy in advance to avoid disappointment.

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Sales Ended