Exon*erate Your Inner Child

Exon*erate Your Inner Child

Understand your health and sense of well-being within the scope of epigenetics; embrace your inner child and heal your adult self.

By Nicole Reilkoff ND

Select date and time

Wednesday, December 18 · 1 - 2pm EST


Lifestyle Naturopathy

2100 Avenue de Marlowe #437 Montréal, QC H4A 3L5 Canada

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Refunds up to 7 days before event
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About this event

Exonerate Your Inner Child

Join us for a transformative event at Lifestyle Naturopathy where we'll help you reconnect with your inner child and release the burdens of adulthood. It's time to let go of stress and embrace joy!

During this event, you'll engage in writing activities designed to create a safe dialogue with your inner child and foster that relationship. After learning about genetic and epigenetics, creative writing sessions will awaken your playful spirit. You'll discover how to heal from past wounds and reestablish pure joy; the innocence of your younger self.

A guided journey to reconnect with your authentic self through mindfulness exercises and group discussions. You'll gain valuable insights into your inner child's needs and intuitively and experientially know how to meet those needs.

Take advantage of this opportunity to nurture your inner child and experience a sense of freedom and lightness. Join us and embark on a journey of self-exploration and accelerated healing.

Organized by

Nicole Reilkoff ND founded Lifestyle Naturopathy in 2007 and continues to inspire clients with dedicated self-care protocols for their healing journies.  She has 20 years of experience and training with supplements and lifestyle in her general naturopathic practice. She delights in sharing her passion for healing in practical ways and offers specialized testing to clients to get answers. Her workshops offer unique modalities for deep self-compassion as well as support and direction for healthy changes.

Nicole Reilkoff ND a fondé Mode de Vie Naturopathie en 2007 et continue d'inspirer ses clients avec des protocoles d'autosoins dédiés pour leurs parcours de guérison. Elle possède 20 ans d’expérience et de formation en matière de suppléments et de style de vie dans sa pratique générale de naturopathie. Elle aime partager sa passion pour la guérison de manière pratique et propose des tests spécialisés aux clients pour obtenir des réponses. Ses ateliers offrent des modalités uniques pour une profonde compassion envers soi-même ainsi qu'un soutien et une orientation pour des changements sains.

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