表達藝術工作坊(新移民活動) Expressive Art for Newcomers
在此報名 Registration link: https://forms.office.com/r/i8LJEF83Mh
****Eventbrite ticket只用作人數預算,請用以上連結報名。我們會在一星期內以電郵通知您報名情況。****
組別A (廣東話): 星期二|1月14、21、28日及2月4日
組別B (廣東話及國語): 星期二|2月11、18、25日及3月4日
時間: 上午11:00 - 中午12:30
地點: Moberly Arts & Cultural Centre (7646 Prince Albert St, Vancouver)
對象: 成年新移民 (廣東話或國語)
**此工作坊由「加拿大移民、難民及公民部」(IRCC)資助,優先為永久居民 (PR楓葉卡持有者) 提供服務,但也歡迎其他新移民報名。
**如因照顧需要必須攜帶幼兒,請在報名表最後一題中註明。如有任何問題或查詢,請電郵至 chloe.wan@southvan.org 或致電 604-324-6212 內線 112 聯絡 Chloe 尹小姐。謝謝。
Through a variety of expressive arts activities, participants can explore their emotions and thoughts while reflecting on their journey of settling in a new country. No art experience is required to participate.
Date of Group A (Cantonese): Tuesdays | January 14, 21, 28 & February 4
Date of Group B (Cantonese & Mandarin): Tuesdays | February 11, 18, 25 & March 4
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: Moberly Arts & Cultural Centre (7646 Prince Albert St, Vancouver)
Target participants: Adult new immigrants (Cantonese/ Mandarin Speaking)
**This program is funded and offered with priority given to PR card holders, but other newcomers are also welcome to register.
**If you must bring your young child due to caregiving needs, please mention this in the final question of the registration form.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chloe Wan by email chloe.wan@southvan.org OR phone 604-324-6212 ext. 112. Thank you.