Join us for a two-day event in Saskatoon, SK to learn more about FASD and the importance of Early Childhood Interventions.
The theme of this year's event will focus on topics such as appropriate interventions to improve child and family development, the role of assessment and diagnosis, the lasting impact on growth, and key take aways for implementing interventions.
TCU Place (35 22nd Street East)
Wednesday, March 5
12:30 pm - Registration
1:30 - Opening Remarks
1:45 pm - Dr. Ghita Weibe
3:00 pm - Break
3:15 pm - Daina Lapworth
4:30 pm - Networking (to 5:30 pm)
Thursday, March 6
9:00 am - Doors open
9:30 am - Dr. Jacqueline Pei
11:30 am - Lunch
12:30 pm - Dr. Melissa Tremblay
2:45 pm - Closing Remarks
Dr. Ghita Wiebe, MD, FRCPC
Physician Lead Provincial Autism Strategy & Preschool Diagnostic Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder teams
Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program
Daina Lapworth
Executive Director, Children North Early Childhood Intervention Programs
Dr. Jacqueline Pei, R.Psych., Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Training, School and Clinical Child Psychology Program
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of PediatricsMember, Women and Children’s Health Research InstituteIntervention Research Lead, Canada FASD Research Network
Dr, Melissa Tremblay,PhD, RPsych
Associate Professor
School and Clinical Child Psychology Program
Member, Women and Children's Health Research Institute
University of Alberta
**Please note
Any organization wishing to pay by cheque must have payment sent in prior to February 24 or the associated regsitrations will be cancelled. Payment will not be accepted at the event.
Organization booths
Booths will only be accessible during the Network portion of the agenda. Organizations who purchase a booth will not have access to the conference. If an organization wishes to have a booth and send attendees, registration will need to be completed for the booth and each attendee.