The Freedom Dancemissions is a monthly virtual gathering that fuses that wild joy of ecstatic dance and the ancient power of elemental magic into a potent force for collective liberation, fueled by the soul-stirring beats of high vibe DJ's.
What Do You Get Out of the Practice?
- Ecstatic Dance: Transmute your tension, twerk your trauma and release what's holding YOU back through uninhibited, freestyle movement, amplifying your capacity to BE the freedom you wish to SEE.
- Elemental Magic: Align with nature's forces through somatic and magical practices, channeling these energies for personal and planetary healing.
- Global Community: Connect with like-hearted souls from around the world, igniting a profound ripple effect of freedom and transformation that has the potential to positively impact all sentient beings, starting with YOU.
This is more than just a dance event—it’s a mission... a Dance-mission.
Whether you're looking to unleash more joy, awaken your creative energy to new heights, or contribute to a more liberated world, The Freedom Dancemissions is your portal to greater passion and purpose.
You ARE the magic this world needs, honey!
Every month we focus on a different element and an intention that empowers our collective liberation. (Click here to learn more).
This month we are clearing the collective air of victim mentality - whipping up a whirlwind of liberating energy to help sweep out the stale thoughtforms that keep us collectively bound in a limiting mindset.
Can't wait to stir up some freedom vibes with you!
See you on the digital dance floor.
Meet Your Dance Deva Guide:
Gary Gottselig is a trained somatic breathwork facilitator, professionally certified somatic coach, ecstatic dance enthusiast and spiritual activist extraordinaire. He's ultra passionate about the power of group synergy, magical practices and their capacity to help liberate the masses.
Freedom Dancemissions ~ Liberate Your Life Force