Historic East Calgary Communities Draft Local Area Plan Discussion - Public

Historic East Calgary Communities Draft Local Area Plan Discussion - Public

The new draft of the Historic East Calgary Communities Local Area Plan is nearly finished. Come and discuss any questions you may have.

By City of Calgary

Date and time

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About this event

The new draft of the Historic East Calgary Communities Local Area Plan (also known as an Area Redevelopment Plan) is nearly finished. It is the long-term vision of the Ramsay and Inglewood communities, and surrounding areas. The policies in the new Local Area Plan (LAP) enable and support future planning and growth in the area, so your communities can continue to thrive in the coming years and decades.

We would like to meet with you to review the updated draft and answer any questions you may have.


Please register for ONE of the following virtual meeting dates/times to discuss with the project team any questions you may have about the draft plan.

  • Tuesday, February 23 5-6:15 p.m.
  • Thursday, February 25 6-7:15 p.m.


The draft LAP respects the unique features of the area and supports their development and growth. It will allow the area to further thrive for generations to come:

  • Supports intensification and economic viability, while integrating existing heritage and industrial development
  • Provides inclusive and diverse housing options, focusing along 8 Street SE, 9 Avenue SE and areas adjacent to the Primary Transit Network
  • Promotes walking, cycling and transit use to access local employment, commercial and amenities, focusing on 9 Avenue SE and 11/12 Street SE
  • Encourages social interaction in parks and open spaces for all ages and abilities.

In summary, the future draft LAP first Visualizes Growth (chapter 1), followed by Enabling Growth (chapter 2), and then Supports Growth (chapter 3). Growth is the foundation on which great communities can thrive in both the short term and long term. It allows communities to be attractive for people who live, work and visit there now. It also positions communities to be attractive to new people who will want to be part of the community in the future.

Heritage and the communities of Ramsay and Inglewood

The Guidebook includes policy that exclusively focuses on protecting heritage resources. Heritage resources are defining characteristics of several communities that should be retained or protected, while balancing the ability to redevelop. You can read more on pages 100 and 113 of the Guidebook.

As part of a separate initiative, The City is undergoing a Council-directed review of available heritage conservation tools and incentives

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