June 2022 Hot Lunch
Dr. Maryam Nabavi
Staff and Faculty Strategist, Equity & Inclusion Office; Chair of Staff Committee, Task Force on Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence (ARIE)
Follow along on Twitter: @StJohnsUBC and #ubchotlunch
Q. What is the schedule for an in-person Hot Lunch?
11:30 am - doors open, check-in and pick up your name tag
11:30 am - buffet is open to pick up your lunch from the buffet in the Dining Hall, help yourself to coffee/tea/water and chat with the colleagues at your table!
Buffet closes by 12:20 pm
1:00 pm - Hot Lunch concludes
Q. What are the COVID-19 safety protocols in place?
- April 2022 marked the first in-person Hot Lunch in over 2 years, At this time capacity in the St. John's College's Dining Hall is at limited capacity to allow for comfortable spacing.
- Face masks are mandatory at UBC until June 30 and must be worn at all times except for when seated at your table and consuming beverage and food.
- Please follow posted signage for foot traffic flow and posted instructions at the buffet.
Q: Can I update my registration information?
A: Yes
Q: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
A: No, but it's a good idea to either bring a paper copy or have your ticket ready to show on your phone.
Q: What is the refund policy?
A: We can refund your ticket up until Monday at noon the week of Hot Lunch. Please note there is a $1.59 cancellation fee. We are also happy to transfer your ticket to another upcoming Hot Lunch sessions.
Q: The name on the registration/ticket doesn't match the attendee. Is that okay?
A: Each attendee's name must be on the ticket/registration list or the person you are giving your ticket to much have the physical ticket to present.