Hot Lunch - June  29, 2022

Hot Lunch - June 29, 2022

Hot Lunch with Maryam Nabavi

By UBC St. John's College

Date and time

Wed, Jun 29, 2022 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PDT


St. John's College UBC

Dining Hall 2111 Lower Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Canada

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

June 2022 Hot Lunch

Dr. Maryam Nabavi

Staff and Faculty Strategist, Equity & Inclusion Office; Chair of Staff Committee, Task Force on Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence (ARIE)

Follow along on Twitter: @StJohnsUBC and #ubchotlunch


Q. What is the schedule for an in-person Hot Lunch?

11:30 am - doors open, check-in and pick up your name tag

11:30 am - buffet is open to pick up your lunch from the buffet in the Dining Hall, help yourself to coffee/tea/water and chat with the colleagues at your table!

Buffet closes by 12:20 pm

1:00 pm - Hot Lunch concludes

Q. What are the COVID-19 safety protocols in place?

  • April 2022 marked the first in-person Hot Lunch in over 2 years, At this time capacity in the St. John's College's Dining Hall is at limited capacity to allow for comfortable spacing.
  • Face masks are mandatory at UBC until June 30 and must be worn at all times except for when seated at your table and consuming beverage and food.
  • Please follow posted signage for foot traffic flow and posted instructions at the buffet.

Q: Can I update my registration information?

A: Yes

Q: Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

A: No, but it's a good idea to either bring a paper copy or have your ticket ready to show on your phone.

Q: What is the refund policy?

A: We can refund your ticket up until Monday at noon the week of Hot Lunch. Please note there is a $1.59 cancellation fee. We are also happy to transfer your ticket to another upcoming Hot Lunch sessions.

Q: The name on the registration/ticket doesn't match the attendee. Is that okay?

A: Each attendee's name must be on the ticket/registration list or the person you are giving your ticket to much have the physical ticket to present.


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St. John’s College is UBC’s international graduate residence. We are a residential and research hub where global and local issues intersect. Our diverse community of graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty and visiting scholars and students come from over 40 countries.

Join us and experience “the world around our table.” Learn more about membership process, guest and meeting rooms, and SJC Culinary Service on our website.

Sales Ended