Ian's 70th birthday party
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Ian's 70th birthday party

Wanna come and celebrate Ian's 70 trips around the sun? Live music and a pot-luck dinner, with Ian's quinoa chocolate cake.

Date and time

Saturday, March 1 · 5 - 9pm PST


347 Seventh St

347 Seventh Street Nanaimo, BC V9R 1E3 Canada

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours

Want to help Ian celebrate having circled the sun 70 times? We will enjoy live music by local singer/songwriter Terry Boyle as we share a pot-luck meal and Ian's quinoa (gluten-free) chocolate cake, plus the company of wonderful friends!

The Pacific Gardens venue will be perfect. I am so grateful to them for being such great neighbours. The venue will be open to us starting at 4:30, the meal to start at 5:30, and all to wrap up at about 9 p.m. The number of guests is limited and so you must get your (free) tickets if you want to come! You can get your ticket(s) here. Want to bring a significant other? Please do.

This is an alcohol-free event. We will have more than enough 'spirit' to lift our spirits!

Please! I already have everything I could possibly want, so don't bring me any gifts, okay? Promise?

Frequently asked questions

Where will I park?

There are a fair number of parking spots at the Pacific Gardens Cohousing. For some who are more abled I would encourage you to park in the empty lot across the street or on the street. The entrance is around the left-side of the building.

How do I get into the building?

You will either be able to buzz at the main entrance (left side of the building) or someone will be there to let you in. Come up one floor and into the dining room.

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