Want to help Ian celebrate having circled the sun 70 times? We will enjoy live music by local singer/songwriter Terry Boyle as we share a pot-luck meal and Ian's quinoa (gluten-free) chocolate cake, plus the company of wonderful friends!
The Pacific Gardens venue will be perfect. I am so grateful to them for being such great neighbours. The venue will be open to us starting at 4:30, the meal to start at 5:30, and all to wrap up at about 9 p.m. The number of guests is limited and so you must get your (free) tickets if you want to come! You can get your ticket(s) here. Want to bring a significant other? Please do.
This is an alcohol-free event. We will have more than enough 'spirit' to lift our spirits!
Please! I already have everything I could possibly want, so don't bring me any gifts, okay? Promise?