In-person International Student Orientation - Sutherland Campus

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In-person International Student Orientation - Sutherland Campus

Get ready to meet your fellow international students and learn all about campus life - don't miss it!

Date and time

Fri, Aug 30, 2024 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT


Fleming College

599 Brealey Drive Peterborough, ON K9J 7B1 Canada


8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Check-in (check the room number in your ticket)

International Student Services Team

Arrive at the main entrance. Connect with one of our international student volunteers for help. Download your Eventbrite ticket to your phone to be scanned at the door.

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Campus and Community Safety

Learn crucial information on campus and community safety, meet members of our police force, Wellness Centre and community partners, who will teach your how to be safe and enjoy your time living and s...

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Essential Information for International Student

All international students are required to be informed about their immigration documents and study and working conditions. Your International Student Advisors will deliver a short presentation about ...

11:30 AM - 12:30 AM (+1 day)

What is Academic Integrity?

Marcia Steeves

Canadian academic integrity rules may be different from those in your previous school experience. In this important interactive session, you will learn how to apply Fleming’s Academic Integrity Polic...

About this event

Welcome to the Fleming International Student Orientation!

Join us on Friday, August 30, 2024 at Fleming College for an international orientation day.

Come and connect with fellow international students, International Student Services staff, and members of our community. This is also a chance to share experiences, and expand your social and professional network.

See you there!

If you have any accessibility or inclusion needs related to orientation, please contact with the subject line: Accommodation for Networking Day and stating your needs.

Frequently asked questions

Do Frost (Lindsay) students need to attend this event?

No, this event is specific for international students registered at our Sutherland campus in Peterborough.

Is this event mandatory?

No, but we strongly recommend you attend it. This is also a chance to connect with us, ask questions, get help, and visit the Sutherland campus.

Who will be at the In-person International Student Orientation?

New International Fleming students from all over the world, current Fleming students volunteering for the day, Fleming staff, and community partners, such as the Peterborough Police, Wellness Centre staff, New Canadian Centre, and ITCH International Coffee House representatives.

Will lunch be provided?

No, we’ll have some light snacks for you to sample. You are welcome to bring something to eat or buy a light lunch at our cafeteria. It will be open from 8:00am to 4 pm.

Do I need to wear a mask?

If you are sick, we recommend you stay home. You don’t have to wear a mask, but if you feel comfortable wearing one, please do.

Will this event take the whole day?

This portion of the international orientation will take half a day. Make sure to check the orientation events Student Experience has put together for you. Visit:

Will I be able to get my bus pass on August 30?

No, Student Administrative Council (SAC) will email your Fleming email account about your bus pass .

Will I meet my professors on campus on August 30?

No. In addition to the International Student Orientation, you are required to attend the program orientation on Monday, September 3, 2024, when you will meet your program coordinator and faculty. Do not miss this orientation day. Visit:

Can I smoke on campus?

No. You are only allowed to smoke outside in the designated smoking areas.

Do I need to bring my study permit and/or co-op work permit?

You should take a picture of your study permit and co-op work permit, save them on your phone, and leave them at home. These are important documents you don’t want to lose.

Does Fleming recycle?

Yes, we are very committed to maintaining a clean campus and recycling all recyclable materials. Please clean after yourself by depositing your garbage in the garbage containers and recycling in the correct recycling sorting bins. Let’s keep our campus clean!

Can I wear cologne or perfume?

Our campus is scent-free, which means you should not wear cologne or perfume as there may be people with allergies to scents.

Can my friend or my relatives come with me?

They are welcome to come and visit our campus. However, the international student orientation are exclusive for new international students.

What should I bring besides lunch?

You will spend the morning inside of the theater, which has air conditioner and can be a bit chilly. Make sure to bring a coat with you. Bring a water bottle. There are several water stations on campus where you will be able to refill them. We do not sell plastic water bottles.

Is there parking available?

Yes, parking will be available and free of cost on Friday, August 30, 2024.

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