IN-PERSON Research Users Meeting AAFC Research Results from the CAP Cluster
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IN-PERSON Research Users Meeting AAFC Research Results from the CAP Cluster

This is for "In-person" registration; see below for "virtual" registration!

By Summerland Research and Development Centre

Date and time

Thursday, April 17 · 8am - 4:30pm PDT


Summerland Research and Development Centre

4200 British Columbia 97 Summerland, BC V0H 1Z0 Canada

About this event

  • Event lasts 8 hours 30 minutes

NOTE: This registration is for IN-PERSON. For those unable to attend in-person, the event is available online via Microsoft Teams meeting. Registration is required for virtual access.

For VIRTUAL registration, use the link provided below

A MS Teams link will be sent to registered attendees 48-72 hours prior to the live event.

This national meeting will showcase the final results of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) research conducted under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) Grape and Wine Science Cluster (2018-2023). Researchers will present key findings, impacts, and innovations shaping the future of viticulture and oenology.

Date: Thursday, April 17th, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM PST
Location: In-person or online. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!!

Registration Details:

In-Person Attendance (Maximum of 80 spots)
To attend in-person at the Summerland Research & Development Centre, registration is required. Due to space limitations, spots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

- Non-Canadian citizens or permanent residents must register by April 4th (this is due to additional security protocols)

- Canadian citizens and permanent residents must register by April 14th

Online Attendance
For those unable to attend in-person, the event will also be available online via Microsoft Teams meeting. Registration is required for virtual access. Please register using the following link if attending virtually:

A MS Teams link will be sent to registered attendees 48-72 hours prior to the live event.

This free event is your opportunity to stay informed on the latest scientific advancements supporting the Canadian grape and wine sector.

Don’t miss out, register now!

Key themes of the event (in PST):

8:30 - 10:00 AM → Quality Improvement presentations w/ panel discussion:

Improving wine quality through mixed and sequential fermentations with indigenous yeasts (Activity 13) - Kentville - Lihua Fan

Water and nutrient management strategies, and health promoting natural products can reduce the competition between grapevine and cover crops and enhance health and productivity of vineyards (Activity 10) - Summerland - Mehdi Sharifi

Canopy management to reduce disease pressure (Activity 8) - Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu - Odile Carisse

Nitrogen management in viticulture and enology: Improving grape and wine quality and enhancing vineyard sustainability through precision management of N and strategies to increase natural yeast assimilable nitrogen in grapes and wine (Activity 11) - Summerland - Kevin Usher

10:15 - 11:30 AM → Management of Virus Diseases presentations w/ panel discussion:

Impact of key economic grapevine viruses on vine performance and fruit quality & Distribution and impact of emergent and invasive insect pest species in the context of viticultural expansion in Nova Scotia (Activity 4) - Kentville - Debra Moreau

Grapevine virus diseases and virus vector control (Activity 3) - Vineland - Justin Renkema

Field strategies to mitigate the impact of grapevine viruses in British Columbia (Activity 2) - Summerland - Jose Urbez-Torres

12:15 - 1:15 PM → Cold Hardiness & Climate Change presentations w/ panel discussion:

Grapevine evaluation and cold hardiness program to ensure superior plant material for the Canadian Grapevine Certification Network and to improve the sustainability of the Canadian grape and wine industry (Activity 7) - Kentville - Harrison Wright

Factors affecting grapevine winter hardiness (Activity 6) - Summerland - Ben-Min Chang (with presentation content supplied by Carl Bogdanoff)

1:30 - 3:00 PM → Crop Protection & Monitoring presentations w/ panel discussion:

Unearthing the impacts of plant-parasitic nematodes on grapevine health and productivity (Activity 15) - Summerland - Tom Forge

Development of sustainable management practices for leafhoppers on grapes (Activity 17) - Summerland - Tom Lowery

From nursery to vineyard: Implementation of effective management strategies against grapevine trunk disease in Canada (Activity 21) - Summerland - Jose Urbez-Torres

Spatial characterization of terroir and other vineyard attributes using GIS and imaging tools to guide precision management for water and nitrogen and to detect infections by virus and other pathogens (Activity 22) - Summerland - Ben-Min Chang (with presentation content supplied by Pat Bowen)

3:15 - 4:30 → Networking Session

Frequently asked questions

What are the security requirements?

If you are a non-Canadian or non-permanent resident, additional security details must be collected *no less than TWO weeks (April 03, 2025) in advance *! Failure to do so will result in non-entry. Please contact or for more information.

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