The world of tabletop roleplaying games goes way beyond D&D 5e. Once a month at this mask-mandatory event, we'll play through a one-shot of a TTRPG created by a small or otherwise independent game designer. All necessary material for play, including safety tools, will be provided.
This month, we're playing Sleepaway by Jay Dragon. Sleepaway is a summer camp horror game for 3-6 people, playing counsellors dealing with a shapeshifting cryptid. Find out more at
12:45: Doors open– if you'd like extra time to get settled & read the rules ahead of time, you're welcome to join at any point!
1:00: Debriefing of safety tools and game rules, then begin play
This event is PWYC with a suggested donation of $10-$15 to help cover the cost of materials & the space. Masking is mandatory (KN95 or better) and there will be masks available at the door.
While this game is GMless, the organiser will be collecting the information of anyone excited about facilitating or running games in the future. If you're interested in that but can't make it to this event, please reach out to @posatahchips on Instagram or via email at thesatah at gmail with the subject line "Monthly Indie Games".
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