July Retreat

July Retreat

We welcome you to this sacred sanctuary nestled in Horseshoe Bay, West Vancouver as you reset and reconnect with your Divine Sovereign Self.

By Ravinder Bamra

Date and time

Sat, Jul 27, 2024 9:00 AM - Sun, Jul 28, 2024 2:00 PM PDT


Horseshoe Bay

Horseshoe Bay West Vancouver, BC Canada

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 day 5 hours

    “Your intuition is truly special and you are helping so many people with your special gifts”

    "All aspects of it were great. The hours flew by. Continue doing what you are doing as it's pure awesomeness and suits you. Seeing you buzzed at the end of session was something, it showed your passion!" ...Testimonials from past events.

    We welcome each of you to join us for this sacred retreat on a truly beautiful property, nestled in nature in Horseshoe Bay, West Vancouver. Come with an open heart and enjoy this journey as we move through guided meditations, yoga practice, breathwork, energy healing as we each connect to our divine essence. We will indulge in the healing properties of sacred plant medicine.

    The space that we hold will be safe and nurturing so that you can connect deeper to your own innate wisdom, your propensity to heal, and go home feeling restored, rested and rejuvenated....from the inside out.

    What will be included during your time at the retreat:

    Day One

    • Opening Ceremony & Intention Setting

    • Guided Meditations and Visualizations ~ that will allow you to connect to that Divine Sovereign space right there inside of you….and co-create from a space of empowerment

    • Yoga practice ~ you will be guided by Dan as you move through a sequence of poses that will open your heart in a deeper way

    • Plant Medicine with Mantras ~ the plant medicine is a sacred ‘tool’ that will be used to open you up to your Higher Self, connecting you even deeper to your intuition as you go on your own unique journey. Please call Dan or Ravinder for more details about which 'plant medicine' we will be offering as a 'dose'.

    ‘Mantras can be understood as any sound, word or phrase that alters consciousness through meaning, tone, rhythm, or physical vibration. When chanted with devotion, certain utterances are thought to create powerful vibrations within the body and mind’, yogapedia.com

    • Oracle Card Readings ~ each of you will receive your very own reading which can provide you with additional insights and answers to any questions you may have

    • Ocean Bathing ~ what better time to get into the ocean and allow the water to wash away all that you are ready to release after your plant medicine journey

    • Finnish Sauna ~ please be aware that we will have to respect any fire / open flame stipulations / regulations that are in place before we can indulge in this experience

    Day Two

    • Guided Meditation

    • Introduction to German New Medicine

    ‘German New Medicine is not only a new paradigm of medicine, it is also a new consciousness. It is the awareness that our organism possesses an inexhaustible creativity and remarkable self-healing capabilities. It is the recognition that each cell of our body is endowed with a biological wisdom we share with all living beings’, learninggnm.com

    • Gentle Yoga and Breathwork

    • Time to reflect on what we are taking away from this special time together

    • Closing ceremony

    There will be ample time during the days for you to take time to relax and nothing is mandatory….this is your time!


    $488 for each guest plus the Eventbrite fee. This includes your overnight stay at the retreat space and your nutritious meals.

    To avoid additional fees, you can also pay via e-transfer at ravinderbamra@yahoo.ca OR via PayPal here: PayPal Link

    What to bring:

    • a pad of paper / journal and a pen

    • yoga mats and eye covering

    • blanket

    • anything else that you need to feel comfortable

    • swimwear, dressing robe if desired and towels

    What is provided:

    • light snacks and healthy meals will be provided on this retreat.....you will need to specify your dietary requirements by calling Dan (604.715.0928) or Ravinder (604.767.9169)

    • water and hot drinks

    What else do you need to know?

    • we will need to talk to each of you individually about sleeping arrangements due to the number of rooms available.

    • you must call Dan or Ravinder to discuss these arrangements so that you are adequately prepared (contact numbers above)


    The address of the property in Horseshoe Bay will be shared with you once we have spoken with you by phone

    Ravinder Bamra

    I am an ICF Accredited Empowerment Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide. As an experienced meditation guide, I have been hosting an online weekly group for a couple of years now. I hold a sacred space for all who join to feel truly held and safe....where they have the opportunity to connect to their own innate wisdom and true essence. In addition, I am a qualified Holistic Massage Practitioner, having graduated in 2015 here in Vancouver. In my corporate career, I was a professional recruiter and assisted many people on their career journeys and so much more. I am from the UK and have lived here in Vancouver, Canada for some years now.

    All of my online offerings can be found here: https://linktr.ee/RavinderB

    Daniel Williams

    Passionate about heart, mind, body and soul, Dan has been teaching yoga for many years now…..from Hatha Yoga to Hot Yoga, he hosts a number of classes here in Vancouver every single week.

    Dan is an advocate of German New Medicine, balancing this with ‘Recall Healing’ and energy healing, he is truly honing his gifts and talents in an incredible way. The space he holds is truly heart centred, grounded and open.

    You can find out more here: @danielalanwilliams

    Do not hesitate to reach out to Dan or Ravinder with any questions that you may have, and we look forward to seeing you really soon.

    Best Wishes,



    • Everything shared during the retreats and events is done so in the spirit of fun, sharing, community and entertainment, and outside of any professional capacity .
    • Please note too that the oracle card readings and the content of anything that I share during my events is not guaranteed and / or set in stone . Any decisions and/or choices you make based on an oracle card reading, a meditation or indeed anything I share during the Meetup Event is your sole personal and legal responsibility.
    • If you require professional support, please reach out to a licensed professional. The onus is always on you to seek professional support if you need it and to use your own judgement and discretion at all times.

    Organized by

    Are you a Starseed, Lightworker, Truth Seeker, Wayshower, Intuitive, Empath, Highly Sensitive Person, Healer or simply curious? Do you feel that you have a higher purpose or calling? Do you feel that you are ready to do something more with your life? Do you know what it means to truly step up into your Sovereignty?

    I welcome you to connect to your true essence through meditation, conversation, connection, and the sharing of empowering tools and insights. You may already be on a spiritual journey, or you may be looking for a place where you can meet 'like hearted' people.

    I hold a safe sacred space during all of my online meetings, one where you get to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. Be open to the process, and know that you'll get out what you put in.

    At this unprecedented time, we are being called to really step up into our power, into our life purpose, and into our Sovereignty. In addition we are anchoring the vibrations of true Unity Consciousness.

    Every week, I will share tools and insight with you from my experience as an Empowerment Coach. I am an experienced Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide with clients in North America and in the UK. I am adept at holding a sacred space for my clients and for their healing.

    What you can expect from my events:

    • an outline for the group meditation will be included on that week's event page, for example, we may be focusing on 'Self-Love' or 'Self-Care'
    • there will be time for members of the group to share what feels relevant to that week's topic
    • meetings will include meditation, the sharing of empowering coaching tools and insight, and oracle card readings.
    • you do not have to be an experienced meditator to feel the benefits of the group meditation. Just be open to the process and where it takes you
    • some events will be more 'workshop' focused

    All the best!

    Ravinder :)