KAP ONLINE • Virtual Energy Transmission •  TUE 1:30PM EDT • 2 FACILITATORS

KAP ONLINE • Virtual Energy Transmission • TUE 1:30PM EDT • 2 FACILITATORS

Embark on a profound online session where I harness life force energy and non-duality to ignite and enrich your journey of awakening.

Select date and time

Tuesday, September 24 · 10:30am - 12:30pm PDT



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our Introduction will provide you with the necessary background information on the powerful life force energy that we will work with in KAP


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About this event

During this event, you will embark on a powerful journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. This virtual energy transmission will unlock your dormant energy and awaken your spiritual potential.

KAP can lead to heightened awareness, expanded consciousness, and a deeper connection with your true self.

Whether you are a beginner or have prior experience with Kundalini, this event is open to all. All you need is an internet connection and a willingness to explore the depths of your being.

Welcome to this virtual session! Before we dive in, let's take a moment to read through some specific information and instructions so that we can make the most of our time together.

Join our weekly online KAP session via Zoom, every Tuesday at the following times:

  • Pacific Daylight Time (Vancouver, Los Angeles): 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM PDT
  • Central Standard Time (Regina, Mexico City): 11:30 AM – 13:30 PM CST
  • Eastern Daylight Time (Toronto, Miami): 13:30 PM – 15:30 PM EDT
  • Atlantic Daylight Time (Halifax, PEI): 14:30 PM – 16:30 PM ADT
  • British Summer Time (London): 18:30 PM – 20:30 PM BST
  • Central European Summer Time (Madrid, Copenhagen, Amsterdam): 19:30 PM – 21:30 PM CEST
  • Central Indonesia Time (Bali): 1:30 AM – 3:30 AM WITA
  • Australian Eastern Standard Time (Sydney): 3:30 AM - 5:30 AM AEST

Don't forget to check your local time using the link provided below. See you there! https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter


Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is a powerful tool for unleashing our true essence. It is a natural and safe direct transmission of life force energy and non-dual states of consciousness that activates the process of kundalini awakening. Kundalini, also known as qi or prana, is the ancient term for the life force energy that is the source of all creation that gives us awareness and consciousness to experience living.

The kundalini energy is the latent, divine energy present in every human being. It has an intelligence that will do precisely what your system needs at that moment. The transmission of KAP is a descending life force where the energy enters from the top of the crown and works its way toward the root, eventually activating the kundalini at the root chakra, and starts to flow both ways.

KAP allows us to release any blocks to our true nature, open up and become a channel for life force energy. The practice helps us to reconnect with our authentic selves, while letting go of ego, fear and experience, which keep us from accessing it. When we start to peel away the layers of our identity, we realize that we are all connected to the infinite well of life force energy. At our core, we are pure and radiate light, each of us special and unique, yet connected and one with the Universe.

KAP is not a self-will or self-generating process, it's a path of surrender. All one needs is to release control, come with an open heart without any expectation or intention, as the energy knows and will do exactly what is needed in the moment. This direct transmission of life force energy can guide us towards self-expression and access to our own power.


Online sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions, since energy is not bound by time or space, it flows based on intention and consciousness. Online sessions have the added benefit of being accessible from anywhere in the world, making them convenient for individuals with busy or unpredictable schedules. You will receive the Zoom meeting link via email one hour prior to the session start time.


Non-dual consciousness is a term often associated with spirituality and certain contemplative traditions. It refers to a state of awareness in which the sense of a separate self is transcended, revealing an underlying oneness with all existence. In this state, the artificial boundaries between self and other, subject and object, inside and outside, cease to exist. The concept is rooted in the understanding that the perception of separation - the duality between 'me' and 'the world' - is ultimately an illusion.


To comprehend the non-dual state more deeply, one must consider the contrasting state, which is our usual experience of the world. Conventionally, we perceive a distinction between ourselves and everything around us. This duality is at the heart of our everyday experiences and interactions. It's the framework through which we relate to the world - full of opposites like good and bad, pleasure and pain, gain and loss.

In contrast, non-dual states of consciousness dissolve these distinctions. This perspective manifests not as an intellectual understanding but as a direct, experiential realization. It's a profound awakening to the true nature of reality where the individual egoic mind, which projects duality, is not at the forefront of the experience.


As you join us for this session, I invite you to find a comfortable spot to lie down on a mat, either on the floor or on your bed. I will then transmit life force energy and non-dual states of consciousness to you from a distance while brainwave shifting music plays in the background. While outwardly, you may appear still, inside your being, a world of experiences awaits.

Energetic - During the session, you may feel the energy coursing through your body, leading to sensations of tingling, heaviness, heat, or cold.

Visual - Your mind's eye might be opened to visuals such as colourful lights, images, or visions of past lives, or even take you on astral travels with your activated third eye.

Kinesthetic - As you allow the energy to flow through you, spontaneous movements may take place, urging you into yoga poses, mudras, dancing, and stretching or shaking without conscious thought.

Emotional - The energy may trigger within you deep emotional releases such as crying, laughing, or even yelling and screaming, expressing your joy, sadness, anger, or fear.

Bliss States - As you enter states of pure bliss, ecstasy, and oneness with your own being, deep insights and realizations may come into awareness, transforming you in every way.

This transformation could manifest as physical, mental, energetic, and emotional release that you may not have experienced before.

It is difficult to put into words the richness and transformative effects of this session, so I wholeheartedly encourage you to take this opportunity and experience the magic of this empowering process for yourself.


Kundalini Awakening Process (KAP) offers numerous benefits to individuals who practice it. Through consistent exposure to KAP, the brain structure and central nervous system undergo rewiring, leading to an expansion in consciousness and deeper levels of awareness. This transformation ultimately alters one's perception of reality, leading to life-changing experiences. KAP also promotes the release of emotional blockages and emotions that no longer serve us, resulting in stress and anxiety reduction. The practice enhances intuition and boosts self-confidence, leading to better life choices and a sense of blissfulness. Furthermore, KAP enables individuals to release limiting beliefs and attachments, break old behavioural patterns, and become more resilient. It also fosters compassion and empathy, mental clarity, increased creativity, and spiritual connectivity. Apart from personal growth, KAP has proven to improve relationships and enhance psychic abilities. With KAP, individuals can feel more empowered and fulfilled while experiencing a greater sense of direction, purpose, and alignment in life.


• Before the session, it is recommended that you take some time to calm and ground yourself. This can be achieved through various methods, such as meditation, breathwork, taking a walk, listening to calming music, or taking deep breaths. Calming yourself before the session will help you be more open and receptive to the energy.

• To ensure that energy flows freely during the session, it is important to avoid alcohol and drugs, including marijuana, for at least 24 hours beforehand. This will ensure that your energy channels are clear and not inhibited in any way by these substances.

• Having an empty stomach is optimal before the session, or at least eating very lightly in the three hours leading up to it. This will allow your energy to flow freely and not be hindered by the process of digestion.

• Avoiding meat before the session can be helpful, as it can also inhibit the flow of energy.

• It is recommended to avoid energetic drinks like coffee immediately before the session, as this can cause an overstimulation of the nervous system and make it difficult to relax fully.

• For your own comfort, wear comfortable clothing that allows you to fully relax and feel at ease.

• Using an eye mask during the session can deepen relaxation further by reducing visual distractions and sensory input.

• During the session, it is important to keep your eyes closed and allow your mind to quiet and body to open to the energy. By doing so, you will allow the energy to flow freely and work its magic.


• No experience or prior knowledge required.

• A stable Internet connection is necessary.

• Zoom should be downloaded and installed on your device before attending the session.

• Pair your device with external speakers or headphones for clear sound quality.

• Find a quiet space free from any distractions such as background noise, children, or pets.

• During the session, you should be prepared to lie down on a yoga mat or blanket on the floor or your bed for one hour.

• It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely.

• To avoid being removed from the meeting, please be sure that your camera is on and that you are visible to the facilitator during the session.


If you're feeling a sense of curiosity or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via my email at kapbytracey@gmail.com.

You can also stay up to date with our upcoming events by following me on Instagram (@kapbytracey).

I understand that Eventbrite fees can be a deterrent for some of you, so I want to offer alternative ways to secure your spot without having to pay any additional fees. You now have the freedom to purchase tickets straight from my website ESSENCERISING.COM or make a payment of $60 via e-transfer to kapbytracey@gmail.com. - this will ensure that your spot is reserved and ready for you to join in on this beautiful experience.

*** Explore my special energy exchange package rates on the OFFERINGS PAGE of my website, and find the perfect session for your spiritual journey. ***

🌟 Note: If choosing the e-transfer option, please include the session date and your email address in the note section to ensure a smooth booking process.

For those who want to stay updated on future events, we have a WhatsApp group where you can stay in touch with all the latest happenings. This group will give you exclusive access to upcoming announcements and serve as a platform for like-minded individuals to connect and share their experiences. Simply follow the links provided here to join:

🌐 KAP Canada Soul Tribe CommUnity🪷 WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FfDcCFjV2bLHTjQVxCjvRS

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for taking the time to read the above information, and I extend an invitation to you to be part of these transformative experiences and join our community of growth and connection.

With infinite love & gratitude💖✨



"I just want to express my gratitude for today's ssession. I didn't know that this is possible. You opened my world to new things. Thank you so much for your care and gentle yet powerful aura." - Katya

" It's a pure divine blessing that I am coming into such sessions, would love to explore more! I want to say thanks to you, thanks to the Universe for orchestrating our paths to meet. God bless you Tracey." - Love

"Thank you so much, Tracey!!! It's so interesting because when I was dancing - I felt I was being carried away by energy and just allowing my body to "go with the flow." - Lena

"I had been carrying so much emotional weight inside me, but your healing energy helped open the floodgates and release those tears..it was truly a powerful and bueatiful moment, I feel so much lighter and more free now..Thank you Tracey! Looking forward to our next session already!!!" - Jes

"Tracey, thank you sooooo much for yesterday’s session! It was extremely deep and beautiful! You are amazing! 🧚🏻‍♀️❤️ " - Valeriia

"Thank you Tracey, I am still amazed and overwhelmed with emotions that came out yesterday. It's amazing how we have so much stored in our bodies and unaware of it. Thank you" - Renita

"Thanks so much! Amazing experience! Too much energy" - Orene

"Thank you so much Tracey, the transmission yesterday was very powerful, I could have felt the activation within my body right away and your ability to hold the space for all of us for everything that arises is truly special. I am deeply grateful for the healing, empowerment and message I got from our KAP session yesterday and I am really looking forward to uncover deeper layers of myself and continuing this journey with you. 🙏🏻🫂💜" - Katerina

"Thanks to you for your guidance, my first experience is absolutely masterful, my vision was the same as the card I drew. I also heard the words of the crystals in my mind, for me many words of gratitude Tracey and among other absolutely extraordinary things that I could see that I half explained it in the session." - Lizeth

"If you are looking for that direct energy transmission, look no further than Tracey. I’ve never felt that true deep healing & awakening as with Tracey’s session 💕 love & gratitude" - Natalie

"I had such an amazing transformative experience and am feeling the healing effects to this day ✨ thank you Tracey - you are an incredibly beautiful soul 🕊️" - Carolyn


Tracey's journey is one of transformation and healing. A certified Level 2 Kundalini Activation Process facilitator, she embraced her own awakening to help others find their path. With training from KAP Academy under master of energy, Venant Wong and Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki tutelage from William Lee Rand in Hana Hawaii, Tracey offers a rich tapestry of healing practices. Sound Journeys and Light Language transmissions are just part of her toolkit that empowers individuals to unearth the healer within.

Her heart’s work is to help individuals tap into their true essence, ignite the authentic self within, and tune in to their divine purpose and potential.

She steadfastly believes that by raising our own frequency, we contribute to uplifting the vibration of our entire planet. To follow Tracey's story and learn more about her path, click here.

Born in Spain to Chinese parents, Blanca has always navigated and embraced the richness of both cultures, blending them into her spiritual and personal journey. Her path to Kundalini energy began spontaneously, experiencing a Kundalini awakening just one week after starting meditation many years ago. Over time, she felt a strong calling to deepen her understanding and learn how to facilitate Kundalini energy to help others. This led her to Master Venant Wong, with whom she trained, becoming a Level 2 Kundalini Activation Process facilitator.

In addition, Blanca has expanded her expertise with a master’s degree in conscious reprogramming under the guidance of Jorge Carrasco, a teacher deeply focused on Non-Duality. During her KAP sessions, Blanca uses light language as a powerful tool to channel energy, helping her clients reconnect with their essence and unleash their fullest potential. Her mission is to guide others on their journey towards inner transformation, creating spaces for deep healing and conscious expansion.

Frequently asked questions

Can I truly experience the benefits of Kundalini Activation Process if the session is online?

Absolutely. The energy work involved in Kundalini Activation Process is not limited by physical distance because it operates on the principle that energy transcends both time and space. Online KAP sessions are designed to facilitate a profound experience, similar to what you would receive in person.

Are virtual KAP sessions safe to participate in?

Online KAP sessions are indeed safe. Led by an experienced facilitator, these sessions guarantee a secure and nurturing environment for your energy activation journey. Just like any energy work, approaching these sessions with openness and readiness for transformation is crucial.

How should I prepare for my first online KAP session?

Preparation for an online KAP session involves creating a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be interrupted. It's advisable to wear loose, comfortable clothing and have a yoga mat or cushion for lying down. It's also recommended to stay hydrated and enter the session with an open mind.

What should I expect during a virtual KAP session?

During a virtual KAP session, you will be guided through a potent transmission of raw life force energy. While experiences can vary greatly from person to person, you might feel physical sensations, emotional releases, or a deep sense of peace and interconnectedness.

Will there be an opportunity to ask questions or share my experience after the online session?

Certainly. Participant feedback is an important part of the process, and sharing is encouraged after the session. There will be time allocated for discussion where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and receive further guidance from the facilitator.