The symposium aims to weave a dialogue between emerging practices in textile design in the context of the Textile Design Now exhibition

By Centre de design de l'UQAM

Date and time

Thu, Nov 30, 2023 8:30 AM - Fri, Dec 1, 2023 6:00 PM GMT-5


Pavillon de design

1440 Rue Sanguinet Local/Room DE-4580 (4ème étage/4th floor) Montréal, QC H2X 3X9 Canada


November 30th
December 1st

November 30th

8:30 am | Welcome + coffee

9:00 am | Keynote by Carla Hemlock

Our fires are still burning

10:00 am | Roundtable Reflections on the Montreal scene

Moderator: Christina Contandiopoulos with guests Edith-Anne Pageot , Michaelle Sergile and Berirouche Feddal

11:00 am | Roundtable Tradition/Innovation

Moderator: Fabienne Münch with guests Hiroko Takeda, Estelle Bourdet and Marie Schumann

12:00 pm | Lunch Break

2:00 pm | Lecture by Vanessa Mardirossian

Textile Ecoliteracy - Towards Weaving Expertise

3:30 pm | Workshop by Anke Loh

Embroidered Touch (Specific ticket - Limited to 10 participants)

4:30 pm | Coffee Break

5:00 pm | Keynote by theo tyson (MFA Boston)

Designing Women

6:00 pm | Meet the Speakers

Wine courtesy of the Consulate General of Switzerland in Montréal

About this event


Le symposium Le textile au-delà de l’artisanat - Textile Beyond Craft vise à instaurer un dialogue au sein des pratiques émergentes en conception textile, dans le cadre de l'exposition Design textile actuel / Textile Design Now. Les moments phares incluent les conférencières d’honneur Carla Hemlock, artiste textile mohawk, Reiko Sudō, designer et directrice émérite de NUNO Textiles Japan, ainsi que theo tyson, commissaire Penny Vinik des Arts de la mode au Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) de Boston.

Ouvert à tous. Inscription facultative, mais la priorité sera donnée aux inscrits en raison des places limitées.

Le symposium se tiendra en anglais. Des modérateurs seront disponibles pour traduire les questions en français.

Lien de l'événement pour l'atelier Architecture du fil de Cécile Feilchenfeldt (Limité à 15 places disponibles)



The Textile Beyond Craft symposium aims to foster a dialogue within emerging practices in textile design as part of the Textile Design Now exhibition. Highlights include the keynote speakers Carla Hemlock, the Mohawk textile artist, Reiko Sudō, designer and director emeritus of NUNO Textiles Japan, as well as theo tyson, the Penny Vinik Curator of Fashion Arts at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston.

Open to all. Registration optional, but priority for registrants due to limited seats

The symposium will be conducted in English. Moderators will be available to translate questions into French.

Event link for the Yarn Architecture workshop by Cécile Feilchenfeldt (Limited to 15 participants)


Organisation / Organizers:

Fabienne Münch - Professor and Department Chair – Design (The Ohio State University), Columbus, Ohio;
Vanessa Mardirossian - Textile Design Lecturer (UQAM) and PhD candidate (Concordia University), Montreal.

Comité scientifique / Scientific Committee:

Louise Pelletier Professor (École de Design, UQAM), Montreal;

Katharina Sand – Visiting Professor (AMD Akademie Mode & Design), Munich;

Christina Contandriopoulos - Professor – Art History (UQAM), Montreal.

Partenaires / Partners:

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (CRSH/SSHRC), the Creative Industries Fund NL, the Ikea Foundation Switzerland, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ), the Japan Foundation Toronto, the Faculty of Arts at UQAM, the UQAM École de Design, the Embassy of Switzerland in Canada, the Austrian Cultural Forum/the Austrian Embassy, and the Goethe Institute Montreal.

Organized by

Le Centre de design de l’Université du Québec à Montréal est un des seuls lieux de diffusion au Canada à présenter des expositions qui illustrent les tendances historiques et actuelles dans les domaines du design graphique, industriel, urbain ainsi qu’en architecture et en mode.

Situé au centre-ville de Montréal, au coeur du Quartier latin et du Quartier des spectacles, il accueille gratuitement les visiteurs dans ses 400 mètres carrés d’exposition, propose des conférences et organise des événements spéciaux de septembre à juin.

Sales Ended