This 3-hour in-person event is your golden ticket to clearing out the energetic and emotional blockages that prevent you from expressing your true self and all of the unique gifts and creativity that flow from the fully liberated YOU.
Here's what you can expect:
* Invoking a potent group healing field
* Circle sharing and intention setting
* Freestyle movement to get the energy flowing
* Somatic breathwork + energy healing powerhouse combo
* Closing circle to ground and integrate
What's in it for you:
* Cozy community vibes/safe space to express + release
* Healing years worth of emotional pain as a result of not being true to yourself
* Liberation from patterns that no longer serve
* Amplified manifestation of your visions and intentions
* Reset for your nervous system (translation: less stress/anxiety)
* Clarity and inner guidance on your next steps
* Freedom to be and share more of you really are
What to bring:
* Water to stay hydrated
* Blanket to snuggle up in while you breathe
* Yoga mat (we have 12 available… first come, first serve)
* Clothes you feel comfy to move and breathe in
* Journal and pen if you wish to capture your fresh insights
* Curious heart, beginner's mind, willing spirit
* Event space is super close to Broadway City Hall Skytrain.
* Pay parking nearby
* Walk up the stairs at 345 West Broadway to 333nergy Dance Studio
25 spots available. All experience levels welcome.
Please arrive around 1:50pm to get settled in and ready to rock for 2pm.
See you soon!
Gary and Cataya
Liberate Your Life Force
Meet Your Facilitators:
Gary Gottselig is a certified somatic breathwork facilitator and professionally certified somatic coach, who knows first hand what it feels like to suffer the consequences of repressed life force. He is now devoted to supporting other freedom lovers on their path to liberation, firmly believing that everyone deserves to feel fully ALIVE.
Cataya T Caven is a certified holistic coach and counselor, with extensive background in remote energy healing, including in-depth training in Shamanism, Reiki and Cranio-Sacral Therapy. After an intense initiation into her spiritual gifts over two decades ago, she is now avidly supporting clients and groups in unlocking their own unique gifts and greatness.
We have teamed up to amp up the impact so that YOU experience the most transformation possible.
Check us out at: