Spilt's Most Decadent Class To Date...
Whether you're seducing a lover or yourself, come learn how to make three of the sexiest mocks you'll ever lock lips with. We didn't hold back on the ingredients in this class, with flavour profiles including passionfruit, chocolate, cream, raspberries, coffee, rose, orange blossom and amaretto*. Expect to shake, stir and muddle, with some light whipping thrown in for good measure ;)
Learn about the history of love potions while you sip, including a summary of some of the wilder aphrodisiacs on record. A class perfect for a valentine, gal-entine, pal-entine or self-love date. Let's raise a fancy glass to every kind of love this February!
*Cream and pecans used in some recipes. Also, while all recipes quality as non-alcoholic, some contain cocktail bitters or ingredients with <0.5% alcohol content. Please let us know at least five days ahead of time if you require substitutions as we may not be able to accomodate last-minute requests on the day of the event.