A Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Café:
Information and Discussion about MAiD when Death is Not Reasonably Foreseeable (Track 2)
Saskatoon City Hospital
701 Queen Street, Room 1911
Saskatoon, S7K 0M7
This event will be concurrently available via Zoom webinar.
To attend the Café online REGISTER HERE
MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) is an end-of-life care option that has evolved significantly since it was first legalized in 2016. MAiD is governed by federal law, guided by professional best practice guidelines and operationalized by the Saskatchewan Health Authority. MAiD consists of two potential patient eligibility pathways: Track 1 and Track 2. The Track 2 pathway is a more involved and rigorous assessment process for individuals whose death may not be reasonably foreseeable while seeking to balance personal autonomy and support for vulnerable individuals.
Join us for an evening of learning about the Track 2 legislation assessment process, the provincial MAiD processes, and highlights of the emerging research.
Dr. Lilian Thorpe, MSc, MD, PhD
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology, College of Medicine
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Janine Brown, RN, CCNE, PhD
Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing
University of Regina
Laurie Brad-Richards, RN
Manager, Provincial MAiD Program
Saskatchewan Health Authority
Mr. Doug Surtees, BA, BEd, LLB (SK), LLM (SK)
Associate Professor, College of Law
University of Saskatchewan
This event is co-supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research; the Saskatchewan Health Authority; the University of Regina; the University of Saskatchewan; and the University of British Columbia Okanagan. Support for this informational event does not imply promotion or advocacy for or against MAiD programs by individual experts or their organizations.