The Ontario District is proud to announce another full day of quartetting for anyone from quartet "wannabees” to experienced competitive singers.
It’s an opportunity for participants to learn and hone their quartetting skills. OQE is open to ALL singers who can learn their parts off paper and are prepared to sing them in a quartet. We will be singing men's arrangements in the original key, with participating women simply choosing their part.
Here’s a chance to learn some great songs and sing your own part - with 3 others!!! You might even find the voices for your next quartet!
On the other hand, if you are already in a quartet, this is a perfect opportunity to add 8 new arrangements to your repertoire!
Refunds: If your plans change and you're unable to attend, partial refunds are possible up until August 1st. After August 1st, no refunds will be issued. Refunds will have $60 held back to cover the cost of the music.