Handling food safely is important to help reduce the risk of becoming sick after eating and drinking. Anyone who prepares food can benefit from food safety training.
As of July 1, 2018, the Ontario Food Premises Regulation 493/17 requires that every owner or operator of a food service premise and/or commercial kitchen, must ensure that there is at least one certified food handler on site during operating hours. These premises include restaurants, production kitchens, hot deli counters in grocery stores, home-based commercial kitchens, institutional kitchens, special event food vendors, community centres, schools, churches and any other type of commercial kitchen where food is prepared or handled.
A passing grade for the exam is >70%.
Food Safety Certificates expire after 5 years.
Translated exams are available in up to 18 different languages and are available upon request (Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Farsi/Persian, Greek, Gujarati/Indian, Hindi, Korean, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Urdu, Vietnamese, Cantonese).
If you wish to have a translated exam available please email your request to phi.intake@wdgpublichealth.ca