Organizational Compass walk through

Organizational Compass walk through

Learn how to use the Organizational Compass assess your strengths and challenges

Date and time

Tuesday, October 8 · 12 - 1pm PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

About the Organizational Compass

The Organizational Compass is an online self-assessment tool that allows you to identify your organization’s strengths and challenges, helping set the right priorities for growth and capacity building. This tool provides guidance in the following four areas:

1. Governance
2. Property management
3. Financial management
4. Social and community relations

Direct benefits for your individual organization

By completing the Compass, you will get:

· Instant insights into your organization’s success points, pain points, gaps, and blind spots.

· A tailored action plan to improve, with automatically generated suggested actions.

Benefits for the community Housing sector of Nova Scotia

The Community Housing Transformation Centre, in partnership with NSNPHA, is organizing an assessment of Nova Scotia’s community housing providers (non-profit and co-ops). You are invited to contribute to this multi-faceted housing discovery initiative.

The data you provide will be aggregated and used in an analysis of sector-wide trends, challenges, and successes providing insights to identify opportunities for growth, training and advocacy.

The analysis From insight to action: strengthening Nova Scotia’s community housing with the Organizational Compass will be presented in a panel discussion during the 2024 Housing Symposium (details to come) in Halifax on November 18.

Your information will remain anonymous, and while it is not mandatory to attend the breakout session, the data you provide will greatly enhance the session’s relevance and support NSNPHA’s community housing sector research.

Organized by

Le Centre de transformation du logement communautaire (le Centre) œuvre avec des organismes d’habitation à l’échelle du Canada pour assurer la transformation, la durabilité et la croissance du logement communautaire. Collectivement, nous pouvons renforcer et faire grandir le secteur du logement communautaire afin de répondre aux besoins actuels et futurs de tous et toutes.


The Community Housing Transformation Centre (the Center) works with housing organizations across Canada to drive transformation, sustainability and growth in community housing. By working together, we can stabilize and grow the community-housing sector to meet the needs of Canadians.