OSCAR PARTY: Join us this year for our Oscar Party!!!! This year we have had some amazing films and plus you never know what will happen at the Oscars. This year we will be back that Firkin on Yonge as it was amazing spot last year and is one of the best spots to view anyone as they have big screen and great sound.
We will be on the top floor at Firkin on Yonge with many T.Vs to watch the big night and they even has the big massive television screen. There is no way we are going to miss any of this big awards night. Remember, you can stay for all of it or just some of it.....Who do you think will take home Best Picture?
Don't Forget to join our WHATSAPP GROUP - CLICK HERE!
Meetup time: 5:30pm...It's a good idea to be on time so you can get a good seat.
Meetup Spot: We will be on the top floor and look for the host that is wearing aMoose Hat for the first hour of the event.
Oscar preshow starts: 6:00pm
Oscar presentations begins: 7:00pm
Cost for a meal: $$$ - Please order something off the menu to support them. This places also has a lot of different drinks too.
Cost of the event: $10 - This will cover your tickets for the raffle for some prizes and for the Oscar Ballot....How many how many categories can you get right?
Firkin on Yonge
It's the perfect spot to hang out with friends, enjoy a craft beer or delicious cocktail and have a FABULOUS time. They also have a great menu even for the most picky eater. There is something for everyone!
How to to get to Firkin on Yonge: It is a few minute walk from Queen Subway Station.
Please Note: PLEASE DON'T CALL THE VENUE AS THE STAFF WILL KNOW NOTHING OF THIS EVENT. A cell phone number will be needed for this event.
Parking: There is a lot of parking in the area. I also think it's a better idea to take the Subway....That way you can drink!
Mathew is the organizer for this Meetup. If you have any questions about the venue or what the event is about please contact him as the staff will not know anything about this event. If you need to contact him, please post a message on the wall, or email him at torontomoviesandoutings@hotmail.com