PodCamp Toronto 2025| FREE Podcasting and Digital Media Conference.

PodCamp Toronto 2025| FREE Podcasting and Digital Media Conference.

PodCamp Toronto, the 17th edition, is here! Join the ultimate networking and learning event for digital media!

By PodCamp Toronto Organizing Committee.

Date and time

Fri, Feb 21, 2025 7:00 PM - Sun, Feb 23, 2025 5:00 PM EST


George Brown College's School of Media and Performing Arts

230 Richmond St E Toronto, ON M5A 1P4 Canada

Refund Policy

No Refunds


Friday Feb 23
Saturday Feb 24
Sunday Feb 25

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Welcome Mixer

The official, un-official, pre PodCamp gathering where we welcome folks from out of town, and begin the PCTO experience. 54 Dundas St E Toronto, On M5B 1C7 Canada Google Maps

About this event

PodCamp Toronto is an annual event that brings together digital media enthusiasts, creators, and industry professionals for a weekend of networking, learning, and inspiration.

Join us for a weekend of fun, inspiration, and connection. Whether you're a podcast pro, a video vixen, or a social media maven, you'll find something to love at this year's event.

With interactive panel discussions, hands-on workshops, and plenty of opportunities to connect with other digital media enthusiasts, you'll leave feeling energized and ready to take your content to the next level.

Don't miss out on the 16th edition of PodCamp Toronto - register now and get ready to have some fun!

Frequently asked questions

What is PodCamp Toronto?

Pod­Camp Toronto is Canada’s largest free gath­er­ing of cre­ative, tech, and dig­i­tal pro­fes­sion­als. We wel­come a diverse group of par­tic­i­pants to share knowl­edge, learn from each other, and work towards making our­selves and our com­mu­nity better!

How can I get to PodCamp Toronto?

There are sev­eral pub­lic tran­sit options avail­able. There are also bicy­cle racks on the premises, and there are sev­eral paid park­ing lots in the area. Just be sure to check the weather in advance and plan accordingly!

I heard PodCamp Toronto is an “unconference.” What the heck is that?!

An uncon­fer­ence is a facil­i­tated, participant-driven event cen­tred on a theme or pur­pose (in this case, pod­cast­ing and var­i­ous forms of dig­i­tal media). Because we’re an uncon­fer­ence, we encour­age our par­tic­i­pants to exer­cise the “Law of Two Feet” (see next Q).

What is the Law of Two Feet?

Basically, if you’re in a session (or any situation at all, really) where you feel like you’re neither learning nor contributing (or could be learning or contributing more somewhere else), you’re always at liberty to get up and go.

$0 – $100