Power of Forests: Protecting Communities & Nature with a New Forest Act
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Power of Forests: Protecting Communities & Nature with a New Forest Act

VANCOUVER! Join the game-changing citizen's campaign to reform forestry laws to protect communities and nature. Vancouver event is Sept 21

Date and time

Saturday, September 21 · 12 - 4pm PDT


Nest Catering & Conferences

6133 University Boulevard Rm 2306/2309 Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 Canada

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours


To attend in-person in Vancouver click the red RESERVE A SPOT button. Spots are limited. Pre-registration is required.


To join the Vancouver Zoom Livestream you must register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUlc-mgrD4sGdQm-NoB4_y7rlZXGbS4cH5c

Recordings will be available within two weeks of the event at: www.boundaryforest.org

ADMISSION TO THE LIVE EVENT: by donation at the door

LOCATION: The Nest, UBC Vancouver, Rm 2306/2309, 6133 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC


The Power of Forests project is bringing together diverse partners to ensure forests on British Columbia ‘public land’ are protected by law so that nature’s needs such as biodiversity, ecosystem function (including the provision of quality water), wildlife habitat, and climate mitigation are prioritized over corporate interests.

We are people in BC who are trying to protect our homes and communities from the negative impacts of industrial forestry. With the massive loss of primary (never logged) forest due to industrial forestry, communities are at risk. We’re facing more drought, fire, and floods.

The new Forest Act we are proposing is intended to stop the land from becoming any more degraded from industrial forestry than it already is.

Five REGIONAL EVENTS are being held in September and October 2024. These events will empower, equip, and activate people to push their politicians into supporting a change to the legislation.

Details of the new Forest Act proposal will be shared at the event by Jennifer Houghton, the Power of Forests Project Manager (with the Boundary Forest Watershed Stewardship Society). Local speakers, Indigenous People, and scientists will also present relevant regional information regarding the costs of the current system and the urgent need for new legislation. Presentations will be recorded and shared on Youtube, social media, and www.boundaryforest.org.


12:00 Opening and Indigenous Welcome

12:15-12:30 hiwus Calvin Craigan, Hereditary Chief, Sechelt First Nation Our Sacred Connection to the Land

12:30-12:40 Q & A

12:40 – 12:50 Break

12:50-1:10 Ross Muirhead, Elphinstone Logging Focus, The Elphinstone Water Protection Forest Campaign: a case study in the problems of professional reliance

1:10-1:20 Q & A

1:20-1:50 BREAK

1:50-2:35 Dr. Younes Alila, UBC Forest Hydrology, What the Hell Caused the Chilcotin Landslide? How forest cover loss has awakened a sleeping giant

2:35-2:45 Q & A

2:45-2:55 BREAK

2:55-3:20 Jennifer Houghton, Boundary Forest Watershed Stewardship Society: The New Forest Act for Public Land & How to Get There

3:20-3:30 Q & A

3:30-3:40 Role Play

3:40-3:50 Q&A/Panel Discussion


There are three parkades less than a 5-minute walk from The Nest.

University Blvd Parkade

>1 minute walk to the Nest

6131 university Blvd

Max. height: 6’5’’ – 1.96m

Weekends $4.00/hr no maximum (subject to change)

North Parkade

3 minute walk to the Nest

6115 Student Union Blvd

Max. height: 6’5’’ – 1.96m

Weekends $2.00 for ½ hour – max $10 (subject to change)

Health Sciences Parkade

5 minute walk to the Nest

2250 Health Sciences Mall

Max. height: 6’8’’ – 2.03m

Weekends $2.00 for ½ hr – max $10 (subject to change)

For more information about the project: https://boundaryforest.org/problem-solution/

For Vancouver event details, downloadable map, poster, speaker bios: https://boundaryforest.org/power-of-forests-vancouver-registration-and-details/

For questions about registration email: boundaryforest@gmail.com, Jennifer Houghton, Project Manager

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