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Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP) and Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC) cordially invite you to a virtual webinar on newcomer housing challenges on October 12, 2023, from 3:15 to 4:45pm.
The struggle to find and keep affordable rental and owned housing is increasing for newcomers just as it is for so many Canadians. During this 1.5-hour webinar, an expert panel will examine the challenges facing migrants and discuss current policies and opportunities for solutions. Panelists will be asked three questions: what are current housing challenges for immigrants? How well do current policies address these housing challenges? What needs to be done in terms of research and policy?
Dr. Vera Etches, Medical Officer of Health, Ottawa Public Health.
Brian Ray, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics at University of Ottawa.
Suzanne Le, Executive Director, Multifaith Housing Initiative.
Damaris Rose, Adjunct Professor of Urban Studies at the Urbanisation Culture Société research centre of the INRS
Moderator: Fran Klodawsky, Former Professor of Geography at Carleton University.
About OLIP
The Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP) is a multi-sectoral partnership involving 60 local organizations working on a shared vision and common priorities designed to build local capacity to attract, settle, and integrate immigrants. Learn more about OLIP’s work at
About BMRC
Established in 2016, Building Migrant Resilience in Cities (BMRC-IRMU) is a research partnership and a multi-sector collaboration. It draws on over 20 years of experience in bringing together a range of key actors working on issues of immigration and settlement through CERIS, a leading Ontario network of migration and settlement researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Learn more about BMR at