This wokshop starts at 8:30 am to 3:00 pm at Northview Golf & Country Club (6857 168 Street Surrey).
This workshop aims to help you:
- Understand the leadership role of the PD rep in asserting professional rights, facilitating professional learning for teachers as autonomous professionals, and defending public education.
- Develop an understanding of the history and context of professional development in BC.
- Develop an understanding of what is and is not professional development.
- Discuss the culture of professional learning in your school.
- Identify the available resources for PD reps as both individuals and as a network.
This workshop introduces the skills and knowledge of the PD chairs as a union leader using the PD lens as a strategic tool. Strategies are explored for building member and public support for professional development, advocating for teacher-centered PD, and returning control of PD to teachers.
Please note that Pro-D Funds will only be released to your school once you have attended a Pro-D training session. Space is limited so we can only accommodate one Pro-D rep from each school.
After you have registered for a session, please book your leave of absence using the following information:
Article: G.21.7.e.ii.
Absence Reason: Stara Rep
STA Contact Person: Erin Coleman
Reason for Request (Activity or Name of Workshop): Pro-D Rep training
Please register 48 hours prior to your preferred session at the latest in order to get your dietary requirements registered with our caterer.