Professionals Speed Dating with FREE food (ages 25-45)
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Professionals Speed Dating with FREE food (ages 25-45)

Date singles aged 25-45 in a short time at a low price. Free drink included.

Date and time

Wed, Oct 16, 2024 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDT


Marias Fiftys Diner

931 Queenston Rd. Stoney Creek, ON L8G 1B8 Canada

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours 30 minutes

Watch this video

Contrary to what this video claims about speed dating events,

  1. We do not hire people to be participants. This can hinder the ability for a single to score a match.
  2. We create an even balance of genders before starting an event.
  3. All participants are people who actually buy tickets.

Speed Dating for ages 25-45


The venue owner allows us to run speed dating at their location.

Please DO NOT contact any staff member (or owner) of the venue directly about ticket availability or payment arrangements. Contact us instead. A venue manager will only know within an hour of the sales closing time that this event runs once WE inform them that we sold sufficient tickets for this event.

If we are unable to sell sufficient tickets, then we will not inform the venue, and the event will cancel. All affected ticket holders will then qualify for a refund.

Are you a professional looking to start a new relationship with a professional of the opposite gender?

In order to participate, we ask that you arrive in a professional manner. Specifically, some of the following should apply to you:

  1. You completed your post-secondary education.
  2. You have been a business owner for at least 180 consecutive days.
  3. Your job title is similar to your field/career you went to school for.
  4. You were employed in your field for at least 180 consecutive days, and not fired.
  5. You are 100% sick of being single.
  6. You can define your perfect match.
  7. You live away from parents or help parents pay their rent.
  8. You will dress to impress.

We ask that you do NOT buy yourself a ticket or otherwise participate if any of the following apply to you:

  1. You cannot divide 16 by 2 without help (including help from your phone).
  2. Your job, career, goal, or dream is panhandling.
  3. Your usual source of food or drink is trash from other people.
  4. Your home is a tent or on the street.
  5. You normally wear torn clothing.
  6. You rely on apps or technology to handle everything in your life.
  7. You highly enjoy working at a job with no room for advancement (example: jobs for high-school kids, or temp jobs).
  8. You prefer living with your parents without paying for some family expenses (example: rent).


We are making some events more affordable than the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE).

It is time to unite with someone new so that your future will not consist of you struggling with high costs of living all by yourself.

We are Ontario Speed Dating

BEFORE YOU BUY A TICKET, PLEASE EMAIL US at info at or we may cancel your ticket and issue a refund. Here is why:

  1. We want only real humans to participate in speed dating, and
  2. We have seats that may be unavailable ANYTIME WITHOUT NOTICE, and
  3. Your inquiries will be answered by a REAL HUMAN BEING!

How we communicate to you

Emails we send are from the domain. It is the buyers and all ticket holders responsibilities to whitelist that domain and to check ALL email folders (including junk and spam) to ensure everyone can receive all important communications.

Sick of being single?

Try our speed dating events where you could meet like-minded singles, score a perfect match, possibly marriage, and maybe have kids in the future!

How speed dating works for singles

Single men and women are divided into pairs. All pairs chat with each other for five minutes (like a mini date). When bell rings, men switch seats. Process continues until all singles have chatted with those of the opposite gender. Singles then fill out match cards to decide who they like to see again. Mutual matches will score each others email address.

Why give the Ontario Speed Dating team a shot?

  1. We add a unique twist. In a full-house setting, participants can play an easy game for a chance to win prizes.
  2. We provide topic ideas on-site to help everyone (including the shy) come up with things to talk about.
  3. The admission price is lower than the competition!
  4. We accept multiple payment methods!
  5. Participants score one or more FREE menu items at each event.

What are the prizes and the games singles can play?

We awarded a prize of a $50 restaurant gift card to one lucky female. If we sell out of tickets to this event, we may award one gift card redeemable at a fabulous place.

Service is in English. Foreigners welcome!

Contact us ASAP if you plan to buy tickets for those who do not understand english. If space permits, we will allow you in the event for free solely to be a translator for your friends.

What's the refund policy?

A buyer qualifies for an immediate refund if either:

  1. Insufficient tickets were purchased by Monday October 14 2024 at 12:00 PM, OR
  2. The buyer requests one 96 (or more) hours before Monday October 14 2024 at 12:00 PM, OR
  3. We and/or the venue owner cancels the event with notice to us, OR
  4. We had to void a ticket (usually to create a balance of people), OR
  5. The buyer fails to contact us before buying tickets.

Please contact for details about our refund policy including how you can qualify for FULL refunds for canceled events.

Ticket transfer policy for ticket buyers

You may assign your ticket to someone else provided you contact us before the sales closing time, however no refund or credit will be issed for the ticket assignment.

You may INSTANTLY transfer to any of our future events (without the need to wait for a refund to complete and making a new purchase again) if this event cancels, AND you reply to us within 96 hours from when we emailed you the cancellation notice.

A Refund does NOT necessarily mean a cancellation!

Just because you received a refund does NOT mean the event is canceled. If we issue a refund, we will email the reason to you.

Would meeting singles on dating apps be better?

NO! Meeting in person is much better. When you attempt to meet a single through an online app, there is a chance that the single is fake. Either the person is NOT single, practices in catfishing (the real person looking completely different), and/or chooses to never show up to an agreed date.

New Test tickets to prevent scams

With people being scammed on various ticketing platforms, we invite you to test us BEFORE you buy a speed dating ticket! Simply go for a test ticket at checkout and we will demonstrate to you that we don't scam people! Test tickets obtained on this platform will NOT grant you access to an event, but we will issue refunds on them.

Many payment methods are accepted

We accept the following methods of (and these types of financial cards for) payment:

  • Visa-Debit and select debit cards
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • JCB
  • Union Pay
  • Interac E-Transfer
  • Google Pay/Apple Pay
  • After Pay

Why does our event you bookmarked no longer exist?

Ever wondered why? This platform is slow to work with, and we find their API to be faster. Also, changing some aspects of the event requires us to redo the entire event listing. Perhaps you should contact us directly to show your TRUE interest so you will NEVER miss out!


Organized by

Email BEFORE ordering!

  • Tickets may sell out at any time
  • Tickets may be unavailable at any time
  • The sales closing time (not the event time) is the LATEST time you can buy tickets an event.
  • We cancel an event if less than 8 male or less than 8 female tickets are sold by the sales closing time.
  • We may cancel an event a day or two before the sales closing time if there are NO ticket sales for that event.

We ACCEPT CASH in advance for a limited time!

Please contact us for the latest event news and more info.


Email address: info at