Raising the Bar (New Liskeard, ON)
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Raising the Bar (New Liskeard, ON)

FOR DAIRY FARMERS! Join us for a day filled with informative sessions, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities.

By Canadian Dairy Hub(Lactanet)

Date and time

Fri, Apr 11, 2025 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM CDT


To Be Determined

000 Abbotsford, BC V3G 2C6 Canada

About this event

  • Event lasts 5 hours

Raising the Bar: Knowledge and Solutions for Calf Management

In our free, discussion-based workshops, "Raising the Bar", the focus will be on empowering you, dairy farmers, with knowledge and solutions for optimal calf health and welfare. Join us for a day filled with informative sessions, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities.

Bring your questions and challenges! We want to hear from you and help you find solutions that work for you! We will discuss calf nutrition, feeding and housing for healthy calves. We will also be introducing a new calf housing economic tool that can be used to support your decision-making process. Coffee and lunch will be provided!

If you would like to receive email updates, we encourage you to subscribe to the Canadian Dairy Hub Mailing list: Cyberimpact

NOTE: The workshop will be led in English only.

L'atelier sera offert en anglais seulement. Un animateur bilingue sera présent afin d'addresser vos questions en français. Les ressources de soutien peuvent aussi être disponibles en français. Veuillez en faire note dans votre inscription.

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