Reclaim Your Power Introduction
Ticket sales end soon

Reclaim Your Power Introduction

This one-hour session will offer a new perspective on how to Reclaim Your Power

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Thursday, September 26 · 4 - 5pm PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Unleash Your Inner Power Conquer Life's Challenges! Dare to Be Bold!

By attending the Introduction you will receive a 50% Off Exclusive Coupon for the full course.

Ready to dominate life with unyielding confidence and unleash your full potential? Buckle up, because our Intro to Reclaim Your Power is here to rock your world!

Join us for this FREE 60 Minute Introduction where we GIVE away some of our BEST Strategies!

Say goodbye to mediocrity and embrace the boldness that lies within you. Let us introduce you to our electrifying program that fuels your ambition, smashes through barriers, and leads you towards triumphant victories!

✦ Ignite the Fire Within: Ignite the inferno of ambition that burns within you, breaking free from the chains of self-doubt and unleashing a force the world has never seen!

✦ Fearless Guidance: Our elite squad of battle-hardened coaches will show no mercy in guiding you towards epic achievements - no retreat, no surrender!

✦ Crush the Status Quo: Arm yourself with revolutionary techniques that defy convention, turning obstacles into stepping stones towards unprecedented success.

✦ Forge an Unstoppable Tribe: Stand shoulder-to-shoulder with an alliance of fierce souls, each striving for greatness, as we conquer life's challenges together.

This is no ordinary mission; it's a life-altering crusade. Sign up now, and by attending, you'll be granted a battle advantage with an exclusive 50% off coupon! Get ready to conquer life with half the cost and double the impact!

⭐ Fear No Failure: We don't just preach resilience; we embody it. Failures will be our stepping stones to greatness!

⭐ Dominance in Mind, Body, Spirit: This is no place for weak links. Our program hones the trifecta of mind, body, and spirit to forge a relentless powerhouse within you.

⭐ Never Fight Alone: Forge bonds that will last a lifetime. Our united tribe will have your back through every battle!

⭐ Unapologetically Bold Coaches: Our battle-hardened coaches won't coddle you. They'll push you to greatness with unwavering audacity!

Seize Victory - Join the Ranks of the Empowered!

Are you ready to take the reins of your life and charge into a future where the word "impossible" ceases to exist?

The time for timidity is over - claim your destiny and rule with unbridled authority!

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,

our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

Marianne Williamson

Organized by

Robyn McTague is the creator of A Life of Choice coaching and consulting. including Enneagram coaching, Dream coaching, teacher, numerologist, Motivational Map practitioner for individuals, couples and teams, speaker and best selling author. She combines her knowledge of psychology, conflict resolution and other techniques including metaphysics and energy systems, resulting in a unique approach.

 She is a teacher of metaphysics through The Training in Power Academy and teaches both adults and children to feel safe and healthy in the world and manifest what they want.Level 1 is the base course for those who have never meditated or have had prior experience. Level 2 is Ancient Shamanism and available to L1 graduates.

Her 3 C’s for life are; Clarity, Comprehension and Creation. When we create a healthy relationship with ourselves, we attract the healthy relationships we want in our world and manifest what we truly want in life. When we can accept all parts of ourselves, we are confident, aware and aligned.

She has experienced breast cancer and Hepatitis C, and many challenges in her life and has been able to heal and move forward.

Her mission is to assist others in their healing journeys, in a safe, practical and gentle way.