Redefining Work life Balance for the Modern-Day Woman

Redefining Work life Balance for the Modern-Day Woman

A Masterclass designed for women who want to discover the secret to overcoming overwhelm and having balance

Date and time

Monday, July 29 · 5:30 - 7:30pm EDT


The Women's Centre

1515 Rebecca Street #229 Oakville, ON L6L 1Z7 Canada

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

    A Masterclass designed for women who want to discover the secret to overcoming overwhelm and having balance without sacrificing their personal or professional life

    What You Will Learn

    1. Have a clear understanding of what work-life balance truly means to the modern day woman

    2. Awareness of the common challenges that women face with having a worklife balance (sandwich generation, remote work etc.)

    3. How to set boundaries without ruining your reputation or quality of work

    4. How to manage stress and take control of your professional and personal life without worrying 24/7

    5. How to overcome the anxiety/pressure that comes with being a woman in the workplace and causes women to overwork

    6. Recognition of the importance of feminine energy and how to use it to have a Worklife balance

    Meet Eby Theo A Life Coach for Professional Women

    Eby is a Life Coach specializing in helping professional women have a work-life balance. In 2021, Eby started coaching women to get into IT and quickly discovered that most of the issues her clients had were more related to stress issues that affected their careers.

    In addition, the pressures to thrive in the workplace resulted in losing a woman's feminine essence. Through her personal life experiences, Eby learned that women were created to be honored, respected, and valued. We do not have to sacrifice our well-being in order to feel valued.

    Through Eby’s coaching, speaking, and mentoring programs, Eby is able to create a safe space for professional women to heal and have a balanced work-life by embracing their healthy feminine energy, indulging in self-care, and having healthy boundaries

    My Contact Info/Socials



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