Join the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) for “Reimagining Borders,” a panel discussion on the challenges governments face in managing borders in a way that responds to economic, political, and humanitarian concerns.
Moderated by award-winning foreign correspondent Nahlah Ayed, host of IDEAS on CBC Radio One, speakers at the second edition of Conversations: sponsored by Charles Bronfman are:
• Peter Altmaier, Former Member of German Government and Parliament, coordinator of Germany's response to the 2015 "refugee crisis";
• Julián Castro, CEO, Latino Community Foundation - the US's largest Latino-serving foundation, former mayor of San Antonio, Texas, and author of An Unlikely Journey: Waking Up from My American Dream;
• Ayelet Shachar, Professor of Law, Political Science & Global Affairs, University of Toronto, and author of The Shifting Border and The Birthright Lottery: Citizenship and Global Inequality
NB: The event will take place in English. Simultaneous interpretation services (to French) will be provided.
If you are registering for more than one ticket, we require the first and last name of each attendee.
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