Speak Indigenous Language Gathering

Speak Indigenous Language Gathering

Speak Indigenous Language Gathering brings together inspiring Indigenous language warriors and participants wanting to revitalize language

Date and time

Friday, October 18 · 10am - 3pm MDT


Nexsource Centre - Sylvan Lake Multi-Plex

4823 49 Avenue Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1M6 Canada


10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Resurgence - A performance by Walks First International Youth Dance Troupe

Walks First Dance Troupe

The Walks First Dance Troupe is a youth led Indigenous dance company. Showcasing the beauty and elegance of Indigenous song and dance through the eyes of the youth. Their performance titled "Resurgen...

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Julia Ouellette - Repeat After Me, NOOKUM'S Curriculum

Julia Ouellette

Julia Ouellette shares her story and success in implementing her kookum's curriculum. A language teacher for over 20+ years Julia found the most effective way to teach language is using methods of i...

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Aaniih Language, Life & Stories of Revitalization

Terry Brockie

John Stiffarm

John Stiffarm & Terry Brockie are members of the Fort Belknap Aaniiih/Nakoda Tribe in Montana, USA. Terry Brockie and has served as teacher, school superintendent, and ceremonial leader. John Stiffar...

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Wolastoqey Language - Bringing Our Language Back

Grand Chief Ron Tremblay

Ron Tremblay is his colonial birth name, but is known as “spasaqsit possesom” (spuz-akw-zid buz-za-zum) - morningstar burning. He is a citizen of Wolastokuk (Wa-lus-da-gook). Being the youngest of 10...

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Migiwap Teachings - The heart of the language lives in our homes

Elder Mary Lee

Jasmyn Albert

Elder Mary Lee and her grand daughter Jasmyn Albert share their knowledge as it relates to using the migiwap as a teaching tool for not only language but for living a good life. Teachings shared to ...

2:15 PM - 3:00 PM

Second Language Speakers - Creating Space for Decolonize through Language

Patrick Mitsuing

Dr. Christopher Scribe

Marissa Mitsuing

In this final session of Speak Indigenous, Chris, Patrick and Marissa will share their journey into creating space as second language learners in Indigenous language revitalization. The session will...

3:10 PM - 3:30 PM

Closing Comments & Thank You

About this event

  • Event lasts 5 hours

Speak Indigenous is an event created in partnership with Powwow Times International Powwow 2024. Our goal is to bring community together to, network and share language in a safe, respectful way. The Language Lives on in Us


Frequently asked questions

How do we pay our registration fee?

Payment of $125.00 will be taken at the door. We accept both Cash & Credit Card.

Who can attend the Language gathering?

Speak Indigenous is open to everyone. If you are interested in learning more about the original languages of Indigenous people please come listen.

Is lunch included in the event?

Food Vendors will be set up, however lunch is not included in the registration fee.

Will there be language resources available?

Presenters and vendors will have language resources available, support is greatly appreciated.

Why is it only a one day event?

Thiis is the first year, we are hoping to continue this event depending on the success we have this year.

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