Spinal Flow in the EESystem!
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Spinal Flow in the EESystem!

Release spinal blockages caused by stress and restore the body’s ability to heal! Join us for an EE session combined with Spinal Flow!

By Gemini Wellness Centre

Date and time

Saturday, December 7 · 4:30 - 6:30pm PST


1876 Cooper Rd #132

1876 Cooper Road #132 Kelowna, BC V1Y 9N6 Canada

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

What is Spinal Flow?

The Spinal Flow Technique consists of light touches on different points of the spine. Through an assessment, it is determined where energy blockages may be located. With gentle touch, positive energy flow is encouraged through the body. A soft and relaxing approach to natural healing. Spinal Flow helps to release blockages caused by chemical, emotional & physical stress.

The spine and nervous system is the pathway through which Life Force Energy flows. Unreleased stress creates a blockage in the spine which prevents the flow of Life Force Energy. By releasing stress stored in the spine, a Spinal Flow Practitioner helps restore the flow of healing Life Force Energy through every vertebrae in the spine and to every cell in the body.

Nicole is a certified Spinal Flow Practitioner and has a deep passion for holistic healing!

For more information:



What does this event look like:

Nicole will have two massage tables set up in our EE room and will be working on two people at a time. Her sessions are 20 minutes and she will work through the 10 people in the room over the two hours in which you will relax on one of our beds before/after your session with her soaking up the energy from the EESystem.

Preparing for the Event:

  • Please arrive 15-20 minutes early.
  • Drink plenty of water before and after the session.
  • wear comfortable clothes and dress in layers if you run warm/cold. We have cool cement floors, warm socks or slippers are recommended.
  • Keep in mind we are a scent free centre.

What is the EESystem?

When given the right environment, your body possesses the utmost intelligence to create optimal health. The Energy Enhancement System (EE System™) uses custom built and precisely installed units and screens to generate multiple bio-active fields, including “scalar waves” that create a hyper healthy energetic environment. This environment allows your body to re-energize, rebalance, and revitalize so your body can heal itself, which is what it was always designed to do!

In our modern lives, we are constantly being bombarded by toxins, radiation and forms of stress which has a detrimental impact on our health but when given the right conditions, our bodies are designed to heal themselves. When the body has the right energy levels and frequency, it wants to function optimally.

Every cell in the human body contains crystalline structures that can hold an electrical charge. A healthy cell ranges between 70-90 millivolts and the energy in our cells is largely responsible for our physical and mental health. Aging and disease occur when cellular energy depreciates to levels below this range. Scalar waves generated from the EESystem™ move through the cell’s crystalline structure, exciting and recharging it.

A salt bath is always recommended within 24 hrs following a session as a recharged cell now wants to discharge anything that doesn’t belong. The skin is the largest organ and getting in a warm bath opens the pores and the negatively charged salt acts like a magnet pulling the toxins out of the body. What’s ready to be cleared can come up, this can be mental/emotional as well as physical (toxins). The salt bath recipe is 2 cups of sea salt or Himalayan salt (not epsom), 2 cups of baking soda, 1 cup of borax.

Everyone can benefit from this hyper-healthy charged environment and there are no contraindications to being in this energy.


Please reach out to Gemini Wellness Centre if you have any questions or visit our website for more information at www.geminiwellnesscentre.com

Skip the fees and contact us to book- 250-899-5714.

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Your body deserves a sanctuary for healing. Relax, recharge, and regenerate in our energy spa.