The M Factor Film Watch Party
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The M Factor Film Watch Party

  • Ages 14+

“Shredding the Silence on Menopause” is an important message, and we’d love for you to join this important screening and discussion.

Date and time

Sunday, October 20 · 1 - 3pm EDT.


Louisville Free Public Library

301 York Street Louisville, KY 40203


1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Welcome reception

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Introduction & Screening of the M Factor film (approx 56 minutes)

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Community discussion

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours
  • Ages 14+
  • Free venue parking

“Shredding the Silence on Menopause” is an important message, and we’d love for you to join this important screening and discussion.

About this Event:

The (M) Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause film explores the hidden impact of menopause on women's lives. Menopause has ramifications beyond just an individual woman’s well-being. The far-ranging results of women enduring untreated menopause include billions of dollars in lost wages, upended careers, family disruptions, and emotional chaos.

With evidence-based information, the film empowers women to make informed health decisions and aims to remove the stigma surrounding menopause and aging.

This feature-length documentary film, centers on the lived experiences of women across the U.S. Cameras follow women into their doctors’ offices, at work, and in their homes to expose the challenges they face—including racial biases, gender-ignorant care, inequitable structures and systems, and barriers due to the lack of basic midlife healthcare research. The women featured here open up about their experiences and share their stories of enduring debilitating symptoms while being ignored, ridiculed and/or shamed—and left untreated.

Now there’s a movement to fix the broken system, change the culture and transform our future. “The (M) Factor” turns the spotlight on the progress being made. With input from emboldened physicians, healthcare advocates and leaders in the menopause movement, the film focuses on what is being done to address this public health crisis and offers solutions that can be replicated in medical communities and workplaces across the country. More on The (M) Factor website

2.1 million* American women will enter menopause this year.

Frequently asked questions

How much are tickets?

Tickets are free, but reservations are required.

How many people can attend?

There are 140 tickets available for this event. Tickets are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. *If you reserve a ticket and then are not able to come, please release your ticket so that others may join.

Where in the library will the screening be held?

We will gather in the Centennial Room, which is located in the basement of the North building.

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