Build Incredible SoilBuild Incredible SoilSat, Mar 29, 9:30 AMCompost Education Centre • Victoria, BC$0 - $30Save Build Incredible Soil to your collection.Share Build Incredible Soil with your friends.
FREE Under the Microscope: Living SoilsFREE Under the Microscope: Living SoilsSat, Jun 21, 10:00 AMCompost Education Centre • Victoria, BCSave FREE Under the Microscope: Living Soils to your collection.Share FREE Under the Microscope: Living Soils with your friends.
Introduction to Soil ScienceIntroduction to Soil ScienceSun, Mar 30, 10:00 AMWelland Legacy Park & Community Orchard • Victoria, BC$0 - $33.28Save Introduction to Soil Science to your collection.Share Introduction to Soil Science with your friends.
Food for the SoulFood for the SoulFri, Apr 4, 4:30 PMDunlop House Restaurant • Victoria, BC$27.96Save Food for the Soul to your collection.Share Food for the Soul with your friends.
Seaweed: Food and Medicine from the SeaSeaweed: Food and Medicine from the SeaSat, Mar 29, 1:00 PMCompost Education Centre • Victoria, BC$0 - $30Save Seaweed: Food and Medicine from the Sea to your collection.Share Seaweed: Food and Medicine from the Sea with your friends.
Bites & Banter: Foodie Social ClubBites & Banter: Foodie Social ClubThu, May 8, 7:00 PM10 Acres Bistro • Victoria, BCFreeSave Bites & Banter: Foodie Social Club to your collection.Share Bites & Banter: Foodie Social Club with your friends.
Cultivating Resilience & Reciprocity in Food Growing SpacesCultivating Resilience & Reciprocity in Food Growing SpacesSat, Jun 14, 10:00 AMCompost Education Centre • Victoria, BC$0 - $30Save Cultivating Resilience & Reciprocity in Food Growing Spaces to your collection.Share Cultivating Resilience & Reciprocity in Food Growing Spaces with your friends.
How Food and Language Connect Us to the LandHow Food and Language Connect Us to the LandWed, Apr 30, 10:00 AM1350 Tzouhalem Rd • Duncan, BC$54.58Save How Food and Language Connect Us to the Land to your collection.Share How Food and Language Connect Us to the Land with your friends.
Fermented CondimentsFermented CondimentsSat, Jun 21, 1:00 PMCompost Education Centre • Victoria, BC$10 - $40Save Fermented Condiments to your collection.Share Fermented Condiments with your friends.
Psyche SoiréePsyche SoiréeMon, Apr 7, 6:00 PMBreakwater Bistro. Bar • Victoria, BC$20.50 - $30.09Save Psyche Soirée to your collection.Share Psyche Soirée with your friends.