Vector Design with Adobe Illustrator

Vector Design with Adobe Illustrator

Create and edit graphics using Adobe Illustrator

Date and time

Thursday, November 7 · 3 - 5pm PST



About this event

Learn some of the basics of Adobe Illustrator by creating a design with some commonly used tools. The tutorial will cover shape manipulation, colour selection, and text layout.

This class is for beginners but assumes you have a basic understanding of computer skills -- basically, if you can use a word processor or surf the web you can learn Illustrator.

Note: you will need to have your own working copy of Adobe Illustrator for this class.
For more information about this program please contact

Toronto Public Library is committed to accessibility. Please call or email us if you are Deaf or have a disability and would like to request accommodation to participate in this program. Please let us know as far in advance as possible and we will do our best to meet your request. At least three weeks' notice is preferred. Phone 416-393-7099 or email

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