Vision School - Hamilton (Not my vision but God's Vision)
Ticket sales end soon

Vision School - Hamilton (Not my vision but God's Vision)

A 9-10 -week mission training program for those interested in learning about God’s heart for the unreached and his purpose for His people.

Date and time

Friday, September 27 · 6:30 - 10pm EDT


55 Victoria Ave N

55 Victoria Avenue North Hamilton, ON L8L 5E3 Canada


Untitled agenda


Selected church and mission songs

Lecture topics

Not my vision but God’s vision & Global Mission Condition, World Mission History, Understanding Islam, Spiritual Warfare and Intercessory Prayer, The times, Student Volunteer Movement, 1040 Windows, ...

Praying for selected unreached nation

Small group

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours 30 minutes

A 9-10 -week mission training program for those interested in learning about God’s heart for the unreached and his purpose for His people and all nations. We invite you to see how God is advancing his kingdom all over the world and partake in his Great Commission in the ends of the earth!

Frequently asked questions

Is there a fee?

Yes, we believe it's very minimal investment for God's Kingdom to cover the fares of the speakers traveling from the field and other places.

Is there registration site?

Yes and you can pay half of the fee to register here:

Are there discounts available?

Yes, for pastors, family members and churches with conditions.

Organized by

InterCP International, is a non-denominational global mission organization founded in 1983 whose vision is the rapid evangelization of the unreached people groups in the last frontier or 10/40 Window nations, especially those surrounding Jerusalem. Over 90% of unreached people groups live within this region and, in response, our organization and partner churches focus on reaching these unreached people groups by serving with the gospel in the Middle East and the Eurasian continent. As 2000 years have already passed, our desire is to finish the Lord Jesus' Great Commission in these last nations which have the least or even no access to the gospel in any way. Our main guiding verses are Matthew 24:14, Matthew 28:18-20 and Luke 10:1-24.

Amazingly, our Lord Jesus is carrying out his Great Commission in this end time, through the Global Church, which is an alliance of churches from many nations, including those in the unreached. In view of this, we are praying to see all the churches of North America rise up and lead once again in bringing the gospel to the ends of the earth back to Jerusalem. Hence, we humbly ask for your cooperation in Vision School for the sake of the return of our Lord Jesus.

Vision School is a highly effective and simplified mission training program that equips concerned members of churches from kids to elders in sharing the gospel in the unreached nations through lectures and testimonies from missionaries. More wonderfully, Vision School also helps them go out to these nations with members of churches from other nations and do the great commission in a team setting following the Luke 10 ministry of our Lord Jesus for 2 weeks and other longer options.

To this end, we sincerely ask churches and/or ministry groups to host or join in the upcoming Vision School. We will also be glad to meet with you to share our testimonies, discuss further details and/or answer your questions, if any.