Weekly Boardwalk Lorcana League Play
$10 entry fee - includes entry and a booster pack of your choice.
Set Championship Tournaments are a $30 entry fee, and for those you need to sign-up through the Melee page, found here: https://melee.gg/Hub/Location/10770#hub-tournaments-table-label
Constructed Deck format - every player is responsible to bring their own legal contructed deck each week
The Boardwalk Lorcana League runs for ~12 weeks and is divided into 3 four-week Rounds. During each League event, participants earn points for match play and activities during games. These points are tracked on a Google Sheet and added throughout the season to determine standings.
At the end of each League round, promo cards and pins are awarded. At the end of three rounds of League play, season prizes and any remaining round prizes are awarded.
For more information about prizes, and how points are awarded, see Disney's Organized Play resources: https://www.disneylorcana.com/en-GB/resources/