Certificate: Course Completion Certificate
Language: English
Duration: 1 Day
Credits: 8
Course Delivery: Classroom / Virtual/ On-Site
Course Overview:
Workplace wellness is about organizations and individuals taking a proactive approach to ensuring the health and wellbeing of their workforce. By focusing on the wellness of employees, organizations can help prevent issues with mental and physical health, reducing stress levels and absenteeism and ultimately improving performance. Raising awareness will help encourage people to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. Therefore, these training course materials are aimed at anyone that needs to develop a heightened awareness of workplace wellness for both the organization and themselves.
Course Contents:
Raise awareness of wellness in the workplace and help improve workplace productivity.
Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence. This course materials are aimed at helping participants tap into this approach, raising their awareness of wellness issues and encouraging improvement in the mental and physical health of themselves and those around them.
Why is running this Wellness training course a good idea?
Well, just imagine if you were better able to:
- Understand the importance of focusing on their health and wellbeing at work in order to reduce health issues and the implications they have on the working environment.
- Adapt their approach and think rationally and positively about issues.
- Apply basic techniques to improving their mental and physical wellbeing.
- Appreciate the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
- Understand how being focused on wellness is beneficial for both the individual and the organization.
Ultimately, these training will help employees to focus on the positive improvements they can make to their daily life in order to increase their health and wellness.
The term ‘wellness’ can be defined in many ways; the simplest being ‘the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.’
Although there might be different views on what wellness encompasses, there appears to be general agreement that:
- Wellness is a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential
- Wellness is multidimensional and holistic, encompassing lifestyle, mental and spiritual well-being, and the environment
- Wellness is positive and affirming
- Wellness is the sum of all of the positive steps you take in order to lead a healthier life. It depends on your physical, social, and mental state.
Course Topics:
- Introduction and Objectives – Setting the scene for the training course while establishing what is meant be workplace wellness and the expectations participants have for the training.
- The History of Wellness – Establishing the roots of wellness and the interesting path it took to being accepted in the workplace.
- Why Corporate Wellness is So Important Today – Appreciating the role of wellness in the workplace and the positive benefits it can have for both the individual and the organization.
- Thought Awareness – Identifying the impact of negative thoughts and how these can be re-purposed by having the self-awareness to adapt them into realistic and positive thoughts. Includes examples, practice and review.
- Rational and Positive Thinking – Using personal examples to refocus thinking and adapt situations that limit behavior by taking a more rational and positive approach.
- The Six Dimensions of Wellness – Exploring the theory behind improvement of the six key areas of wellness. Includes a questionnaire to establish current wellness in these dimensions and highlighting where development opportunities might be.
- Setting Personal Goals and Objectives – Using the six dimensions of wellness (occupational, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual and emotional) to help develop personal goals. and improve wellness.
- Wellness Starts at Work – Establishing why wellness starts at work and then progressing to develop a fictional wellness program for the organization.
- Creating Work-Life Balance – Exploring how to create a good work-life balance and how changing circumstances can influence priorities. Using ‘What If?’ questions to realize factors that might be affected by changing priorities.
- Wellness Action Plans – Understanding and developing a wellness action plan to actively help support wellness, reflect on personal circumstances and take practical steps to help address wellness triggers.
- Case Studies – A review of several case studies to help apply learning to real-life scenarios and discuss different approaches.
- Management Support for Wellness – Identifying the support that managers could and should provide to employees to benefit wellness in the workplace.
As with all Trainer Bubble training course materials, this course is highly interactive and includes activities, discussions and exercises throughout to both engage the learners and help embed the learning.
Course Feature:
At the end of this Wellness training you will be able to:
- Define wellness and its importance in the workplace
- Practice rational and positive thinking
- Apply the six dimensions of wellness
- Explain the importance of work-life balance
- Describe the business case for wellness
Once after the training you receive course completion certificate from Academy for Pros
Who can Attend?
Anybody who is interested in learning Wellness Skills.
However, catering to the demands of busy professionals, our virtual training programs are as effective as face-to-face learning. Reach us at info@academyforpros.com for dates and details of Instructor Led Live Virtual Sessions.
If you would like to get this course customized and delivered exclusively for your group, we have an On-Site Training Option you can reach us at info@academyforpros.com for more details about on-site or corporate training.
Groups of 3 people 10% Discount
Groups of 5 people 15% Discount
Groups of 10 people 20% Discount