This 'walk and talk' around the nature trails at Evergreen Brick Works explores winter in the Canadian Imagination and how this is shaped by race. Canada is the land of ice and snow; of "We the North" and the Great Canadian Outdoors. The walk examines who is represented in the "we", how Winter is shown in films and paintings, and how the climate crisis is affecting Winter.
This is the first in a series of four walks at Evergreen Brick Works, which will explore how race and nature interact to shape the outdoor experiences of Canadians. The series brings alive current ideas about race and nature, how they are based on history, and reflects on who has power. The walks are led by Dr. Jacqueline L. Scott. She is a scholar and writer on race and nature, and has a PhD from the University of Toronto.
Everyone is welcome! This walk is free and available to anyone who is interested in the intersection of race and nature within the Canadian Imagination.
Meet outside the Cafe! This walk will begin and end at the meeting location just outside Picnic Cafe at the Brick Works. See map below for reference.
Dress for the weather! This walk will take place entirely outdoors, and is about an hour in length. Please check the weather ahead of time and dress appropriately.
About Evergreen:
Evergreen is a national non-profit working to create cities that are livable, green and prosperous. To learn more, visit our website here.